Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Rob Wittman's Weekly Update

Click here to                      visit my website

As many of you know, funding for the federal government is set to expire if Congress does not act before October 1. News stories and recent history indicate that the White House and congressional leadership will likely resort to a short-term, temporary spending measure known as a "continuing resolution" to keep the government operating. This is an irresponsible way to govern, especially when so much time has been wasted while leaders should have been in Washington, debating and passing funding legislation as the Constitution instructs and as the American people rightly demand.  

I have said many times that continuing resolutions are short-sighted Band-Aids that simply kick the can down the road, and represent an ineffective way for Congress to be a steward of taxpayer dollars. Congress has had more than enough time to fund the government in a long-term, strategic manner, but instead left town for an unnecessary August vacation. In late July I asked congressional leadership to call Congress back to Washington to "finish the business of the people," but unfortunately another month passed before the House and Senate returned to the Capitol. In the coming weeks and months, significant issues remain that have yet to be addressed, and I am committed to doing my duty to see that our military is properly funded and that vital government operations continue operating. There's no excuse for governing by crisis, especially when so many critical decisions are on the line.

Another issue that Congress should have been debating during August was President Obama's proposed nuclear deal with Iran. As I've said before, Iran has previously shown its willingness to break the terms of deals, and I have no doubts that they'll do so again. I have visited the Middle East a number of times, meeting with members of the U.S. military as well as leaders of nations in the region, and I understand the threats posed by a nuclear-armed Iran. With the security of our partners in the region at stake, it is critical that any deal effectually prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. I do not believe this agreement includes the necessary enforcement mechanisms to keep Iran from pursuing nuclear capabilities, and I could not support it.

During its first week back in Washington, the people's House took action to show just how much opposition exists around the country to what is undoubtedly a dangerous Iran deal. I voted against the President's agreement, and I also supported legislation to prevent the Administration from reducing economic sanctions on Iran. At the same time, I believe that the President failed to disclose information concerning side negotiations between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency, which conducts inspections that are the linchpin of the entire agreement. This failure meant that Congress lacked the full breadth of information necessary for making a complete, thorough decision, and I voted for a resolution expressing that Congress' period of review could not have begun without those disclosures. I am disappointed that the Senate did not vote this agreement down – as the House did – before the September 17, 2015 deadline. Rest assured that I will continue to fight for smart national security policies as a member of the House Armed Services Committee.

I'd like to thank the many Virginians who reached out to me with feedback and concerns about the proposed Iran deal. Decisions with such far-reaching consequences cannot be made lightly or without serious debate and analysis, and your continued engagement is invaluable to me as I serve the First District in Congress. The main streets of Virginia's First District are full of ideas to get our economy back on track, and your feedback is critically important to me as I serve you. I can be reached by telephone at (202) 225-4261, through my website (www.wittman.house.gov), on Facebook (www.facebook.com/reprobwittman), and via Twitter (www.twitter.com/robwittman).


Yorktown Office
401 Main Street
Yorktown, VA 23690
Phone: (757) 874-6687
Fax: (757) 874-7164

Stafford Office
95 Dunn Drive
Ste. 201
Stafford, Virginia 22556
Phone: (540) 659-2734
Fax: (540) 659-2737

Tappahannock Office
508 Church Lane
Tappahannock, VA 22560
Phone: (804) 443-0668
Fax: (804) 443-0671

Washington D.C. Office
2454 Rayburn H.O.B.
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4261
Fax: (202) 225-4382



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Saturday, September 26, 2015

Fw: New Form Entry: Contact Form

Fellow VPCCC Delegates: FYI too – Plus tonight's CCCC cruise-in at Heritage it weathered out also.
Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2015 10:36 AM
To: Adam
Subject: Fw: Fwd: Re: New Form Entry: Contact Form
Fellow Club Members: FYI
Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2015 9:49 AM
Subject: Fwd: Re: New Form Entry: Contact Form
Larry please forward

Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE Smartphone
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erica Robertson <erica@marketingmonster.com>
Date: Sep 26, 2015 9:36 AM
Subject: Re: New Form Entry: Contact Form
To: my98fordf150@verizon.net

Due to the weather we are having to move the shoot until next Sunday,  Oct. 4th. Thank you!

On Sep 10, 2015 4:46 PM, <my98fordf150@verizon.net> wrote:


Would you forward this to our club members and the VPCCC for that matter.  They are looking for 50s vehicles, like your Mercury.  Owners can contact Erica directly at erica@marketingmonster.com



On 09/09/15, wwwrun@weebly-app2.eig.weebly.net wrote:

You've just received a new submission to your Contact Form.

Submitted Information:Name
Erica Robertson


I am a local photographer doing a Pin Up shoot on Sept. 27th and 28th in Yorktown with 16 girls. We will be shooting a fabulous 50's calendar with proceeds going to a local non-profits. We would love to have a few of your cars as part of the shoot. Let me know if you are interested.

I would be happy to donate a family shoot for each car owner who donated their car to us for the shoot and give them credits in the calendar. Maybe even donate photography for a car show if you want.

Of course we wouldn't want any cars that are older than the late 50's to keep with our Fabulous 50's shoot.

Appreciate your time.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Updated York County Tax Maps

you might want to see?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: York County, Virginia DO NOT REPLY <subscribe@yorkcounty.gov>
Date: Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 2:42 PM
Subject: Updated York County Tax Maps
To: melisalex318@gmail.com

The following tax maps were recently updated on the website.  You may download them manually, or click on the links below.

http://www.yorkcounty.gov/Portals/0/gis/TaxMaps/q08.pdf (Yorktown Crescent, LLC & Marshall Cross - BLA - 2040 & 3070 Ft. Eustis blvd)
http://www.yorkcounty.gov/Portals/0/gis/TaxMaps/r08.pdf (Yorktown Crescent, LLC & Marshall Cross - BLA - 2040 & 3070 Ft. Eustis blvd)
http://www.yorkcounty.gov/Portals/0/gis/TaxMaps/v04.pdf (Jennie Hopson, Living Trust - PLV - 120 & 120A East Yorktown Rd)
http://www.yorkcounty.gov/Portals/0/gis/TaxMaps/t03.pdf (York Al Investors, LCC - PLV _ 3540 Victory blvd)

If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail or call the GIS department at gis@yorkcounty.gov (757) 890-3899.

York County GIS Staff


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Enjoy a free BBQ rally for our GOP candidates!

96th District, Virginia House of Delegates                                       September 25, 2015

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Contact Delegate Pogge


District Office 

(Outside of Session):

1201 Jamestown Road

Williamsburg, VA 23185




Please send mail to:

P.O. Box 196

Norge, VA 23127
Legislative Aide
Amanda Johnston
Please join me on Tuesday, September 29, in attending a rally to support our local Republican candidates! Pete Snyder will bring his famous Pig Rig to town to provide free barbecue as we gather to show support for our GOP ticket. There is no cost for the event, but RSVP today to ensure that enough barbecue is available!

When: 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 29
Where: Country Inn & Suites, 7135 Pocahontas Trail, Williamsburg, VA 23185.
Cost: None!

On the Campaign Trail
Last weekend I enjoyed traveling around the district to various harvest festivals and block parties. The weather was perfect, and I saw many familiar faces while meeting new friends. 

On Thursday evening, I had the privilege of participating in a candidate forum hosted by the York County Chamber of Commerce. I appreciate all of the candidates who attended, and I thank the Chamber for their hospitality. 

Last, but certainly not least, a special thanks to Dorothy Fischer and Mary Ellen Pachuta for hosting an excellent meet and greet last weekend in Ford's Colony!

Request your yard sign and bumper sticker!
Don't forget to sign up today to request a yard sign or bumper sticker! Also, please consider making a financial contribution to continue supporting my efforts. Your donation will help me attain victory in November!

My door is always open
As always, please give me a call or send an email if you ever have a question about a state-related matter or legislative issue. You can reach me by email at DelBPogge@house.virginia.gov or by phone at 757-223-9690. For campaign related inquiries, please email delegate@brendapogge.com.

Delegate Brenda Pogge

Paid for and Authorized by Brenda Pogge for Delegate
Forward email

This email was sent to alexanderofyork@gmail.com by brenda@brendapogge.com |  

Brenda Pogge for Delegate | P.O. Box 196 | Norge | VA | 23127

Saturday, September 19, 2015

FW: District 5 Report September 2015 - CORRECTION

Dear Neighbors,


My new cell phone number listed at the beginning of the report is incorrect.  The correct number is 757-903-1875.   Also, in reference to the location of Party Essentials, I misidentified the hardware store.  The store is Grafton True Value Hardware and not Ace Hardware.




Tom Shepperd, Chairman

York County Board of Supervisors


Home (757) 868-8591

Mobile (757) 903-1875




Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Notification: York County Board of Supervisor's meeting @ Tue Sep 15, 2015 6pm - 8:30pm (PeninsulaTeaParty.org)

York County Board of Supervisor's meeting

Tue Sep 15, 2015 6pm – 8:30pm Eastern Time
301 Main St, Yorktown, VA 23690 (map)
Admin PeninsulaTeaParty.org - organizer
Robert Bruce Alexander - creator

Invitation from Google Calendar

You are receiving this email at the account admin@peninsulateaparty.org because you are subscribed for notifications on calendar PeninsulaTeaParty.org.

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Friday, September 11, 2015

My Vote Against the Iran Deal

Click here to                      visit my website


I wanted to make sure you saw the press release about my vote against the Iran deal.



Washington - Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-1) voted today against the approval of President Obama's proposed agreement on Iran's nuclear program. The legislation failed by a vote of 162-269.

"The House's actions today reflect the will of the people. Iran has previously shown its willingness to break the terms of previous deals, and I have no doubt that they'll do so again," Wittman said. "I have visited the Middle East many times to meet with members of the U.S. military and engage with leaders of nations in the region, and I fully understand the threats posed by a nuclear-armed Iran. With the security of our partners in the region at stake, it is critical that any deal effectually prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. I do not believe this agreement includes the enforcement mechanisms necessary for preventing Iran's government from pursuing nuclear capabilities, and I could not support it."

In addition, Wittman voted for a bill (H.R. 3460) Friday to limit the Administration's ability to reduce economic sanctions on Iran until January of 2017, as well as a resolution (H. Res. 411) Thursday evening finding that the President's failure to comply with certain provisions of the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act means that Congress' period of review over the agreement cannot have begun.

"The failure to disclose information concerning side negotiations between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency, whose inspections are at the centerpiece of the agreement, represents a failure to comply with certain provisions of the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act," Wittman continued. "This in turn means that Congress' period of review over the agreement cannot have begun. This agreement deserves a serious review with every detail on the table, and the withheld information is critical for Congress to conduct a thorough analysis. For example, the agreement says that Iran will reduce its stockpile of low-enriched uranium by 98 percent, but that means nothing if we don't know the volume of the current stockpile. The percentage may sound good, but 98 percent of an unknown is still an unknown. This deal poses significant national security risks, but I will continue to fight for smart national security policy as a member of the House Armed Services Committee."

Congressman Rob Wittman represents the 1st District of Virginia. He serves on the House Natural Resources Committee and the House Armed Services Committee, where he is Chairman of the Readiness Subcommittee.


Yorktown Office
401 Main Street
Yorktown, VA 23690
Phone: (757) 874-6687
Fax: (757) 874-7164

Stafford Office
95 Dunn Drive
Ste. 201
Stafford, Virginia 22556
Phone: (540) 659-2734
Fax: (540) 659-2737

Tappahannock Office
508 Church Lane
Tappahannock, VA 22560
Phone: (804) 443-0668
Fax: (804) 443-0671

Washington D.C. Office
2454 Rayburn H.O.B.
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4261
Fax: (202) 225-4382



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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Notification: York Planning Commission Meeting @ Wed Sep 9, 2015 7pm - 8pm (PeninsulaTeaParty.org)

York Planning Commission Meeting

7:00 PM - 7:00 PM Planning Commission Meeting
York Hall, 301 Main Street, Yorktown (map)
The Planning Commission typically meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm.

For more information, call the Planning Division at 757-890-3404.

View Agenda here: http://www.yorkcounty.gov/Default.aspx?tabid=1715

Wed Sep 9, 2015 7pm – 8pm Eastern Time
301 Main Street, Yorktown, VA (map)
Admin PeninsulaTeaParty.org - organizer
Robert Bruce Alexander - creator

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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Scoop up end of summer savings

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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Notification: York County Board of Supervisors meeting @ Tue Sep 1, 2015 6pm - 9pm (PeninsulaTeaParty.org)

York County Board of Supervisors meeting

Tue Sep 1, 2015 6pm – 9pm Eastern Time
York Hall, 301 Main Street, Yorktown, 23690 (map)
Admin PeninsulaTeaParty.org - organizer

Invitation from Google Calendar

You are receiving this email at the account admin@peninsulateaparty.org because you are subscribed for notifications on calendar PeninsulaTeaParty.org.

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