Wednesday, February 29, 2012

March Observer Newsletter

The latest edition of the Observer Newsletter is available online.  Below is the direct link to the newsletter.  If for some reason you can not open the link.  Go to and click on the Senior Center of York link on the left side of the screen then scroll down and click the Observer Newsletter link.

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Link to Observer Newsletter

Senior Center of York

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Updated Invitation: Historic Triangle Joint Comprehensive Plan Review Communi... @ Thu Mar 15 7pm - 9pm (

This event has been changed.

Historic Triangle Joint Comprehensive Plan Review Community Forums

The City of Williamsburg, James City County, and York County are simultaneously
reviewing their comprehensive plans – the long-range plan for the locality's physical
development. Topics include land use, transportation, and other Historic Triangle
regional issues.
Four community forums will be held with each meeting focused on a specific
geographic area as well as the Historic Triangle as a whole. All meetings are 7-9 p.m.:
1. Riverside/Busch/Marquis area
Thursday, February 2, Magruder Elementary Cafetorium, 700 Penniman Rd.
2. Lightfoot/Pottery area
Thursday, February 23, Warhill High Auditorium, 4615 Opportunity Way
3. Northeast Triangle and surrounding area
Monday, February 27, Williamsburg Community Bldg., 401 N. Boundary St.
4. Yorktown/Lower York
Thursday, March 15, Tabb Library Meeting Room, 100 Long Green Blvd.
Each forum will include an informational overview and a public input session seeking
feedback on specific focus areas and the overall Historic Triangle.
For more information visit or call your locality's Planning Department:
Williamsburg 220-6130, York 890-3404, or James City 253-6685.
Changed: Thu Mar 15 7pm – 9pm Eastern Time
Tabb Library, 100 Long Green Blvd., Yorktown, VA 23693 (map)
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Updated Invitation: Historic Triangle Joint Comprehensive Plan Review Communi... @ Thu Mar 15 7pm - 9pm (

This event has been changed.

Historic Triangle Joint Comprehensive Plan Review Community Forums

The City of Williamsburg, James City County, and York County are simultaneously
reviewing their comprehensive plans – the long-range plan for the locality's physical
development. Topics include land use, transportation, and other Historic Triangle
regional issues.
Four community forums will be held with each meeting focused on a specific
geographic area as well as the Historic Triangle as a whole. All meetings are 7-9 p.m.:
1. Riverside/Busch/Marquis area
Thursday, February 2, Magruder Elementary Cafetorium, 700 Penniman Rd.
2. Lightfoot/Pottery area
Thursday, February 23, Warhill High Auditorium, 4615 Opportunity Way
3. Northeast Triangle and surrounding area
Monday, February 27, Williamsburg Community Bldg., 401 N. Boundary St.
4. Yorktown/Lower York
Thursday, March 15, Tabb Library Meeting Room, 100 Long Green Blvd.
Each forum will include an informational overview and a public input session seeking
feedback on specific focus areas and the overall Historic Triangle.
For more information visit or call your locality's Planning Department:
Williamsburg 220-6130, York 890-3404, or James City 253-6685.
Changed: Thu Mar 15 7pm – 9pm Eastern Time
Tabb Library, 100 Long Green Blvd., Yorktown, VA 23693 (map)
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Patriots Calendar

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Updated Invitation: Historic Triangle Joint Comprehensive Plan Review Communi... @ Thu Mar 15 7pm - 9pm (

This event has been changed.

Historic Triangle Joint Comprehensive Plan Review Community Forums

The City of Williamsburg, James City County, and York County are simultaneously
reviewing their comprehensive plans – the long-range plan for the locality's physical
development. Topics include land use, transportation, and other Historic Triangle
regional issues.
Four community forums will be held with each meeting focused on a specific
geographic area as well as the Historic Triangle as a whole. All meetings are 7-9 p.m.:
1. Riverside/Busch/Marquis area
Thursday, February 2, Magruder Elementary Cafetorium, 700 Penniman Rd.
2. Lightfoot/Pottery area
Thursday, February 23, Warhill High Auditorium, 4615 Opportunity Way
3. Northeast Triangle and surrounding area
Monday, February 27, Williamsburg Community Bldg., 401 N. Boundary St.
4. Yorktown/Lower York
Thursday, March 15, Tabb Library Meeting Room, 100 Long Green Blvd.
Each forum will include an informational overview and a public input session seeking
feedback on specific focus areas and the overall Historic Triangle.
For more information visit or call your locality's Planning Department:
Williamsburg 220-6130, York 890-3404, or James City 253-6685.
Changed: Thu Mar 15 7pm – 9pm Eastern Time
Tabb Library, 100 Long Green Blvd., Yorktown, VA 23693 (map)
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Patriots Calendar

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From: Senator Dick Black []
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 12:30 AM
To: Mike Prunty
Subject: Re: VOTE YES TO HB-1160


Thank you for your message regarding HB1160, the bill that would prevent the unlawful detention of US Citizens.  Senator Black asked me to extend his gratitude for taking the time to contact him on this important issue, your input was essential.  Senator Black supports this measure and is fighting to make sure it passes.


Earlier today, there was an attempt to send it back to committee to kill it.  Senator Black voted against sending it back to committee and the attempt failed.   The Senate will take it up again tomorrow and Senator Black will continue fighting for this bill.  I encourage you to contact the other senators, if you haven't already, to give this bill the power it will need to pass.   This bill is vital to protecting Virginians against an overreaching government and it is far from passing unless the public outcry is deafening.


Thank you again for your input and for getting involved in the legislative process.  I know Senator Black appreciates you taking the time to contact him.


Warm regards,

Michelle Staton


Senator Dick Black, 13th District




Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 9:22 AM

To: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

Subject: VOTE YES TO HB-1160


Dear Senators,


I shall make this very brief. HB 1160 is up for a vote on the floor today. I not only encourage you to vote for it, but resolutely demand it. If you are not aware of the  fervor at the grassroots over this particular assault on our most basic Constitutional rights, then the peril will be yours. I am engaged in the regular monitoring of the grassroots activist rumblings and tremors. And this one is registering on the Richter Scale.


If you wish to set off a backlash which will only continue to build through your next election cycle … no matter WHO you are … then do not heed this advice. Anti-incumbent campaign organizing is beginning to form in certain senatorial districts as we speak. This particularly includes Republicans.


Please do not make the mistake of voting against this critical bill.


Mike Prunty


Founder and President

The American Freedom Project

Yorktown, Virginia

Cell: (757) 329-6879


Monday, February 27, 2012

Reminder: Historic Triangle Joint Comprehensive Plan Review Communi... @ Mon Feb 27 7pm - 9pm (

Historic Triangle Joint Comprehensive Plan Review Community Forums

The City of Williamsburg, James City County, and York County are simultaneously
reviewing their comprehensive plans – the long-range plan for the locality's physical
development. Topics include land use, transportation, and other Historic Triangle
regional issues.
Four community forums will be held with each meeting focused on a specific
geographic area as well as the Historic Triangle as a whole. All meetings are 7-9 p.m.:
1. Riverside/Busch/Marquis area
Thursday, February 2, Magruder Elementary Cafetorium, 700 Penniman Rd.
2. Lightfoot/Pottery area
Thursday, February 23, Warhill High Auditorium, 4615 Opportunity Way
3. Northeast Triangle and surrounding area
Monday, February 27, Williamsburg Community Bldg., 401 N. Boundary St.
4. Yorktown/Lower York
Thursday, March 15, Tabb Library Meeting Room, 100 Long Green Blvd.
Each forum will include an informational overview and a public input session seeking
feedback on specific focus areas and the overall Historic Triangle.
For more information visit or call your locality's Planning Department:
Williamsburg 220-6130, York 890-3404, or James City 253-6685.
Mon Feb 27 7pm – 9pm Eastern Time
Williamsburg Community Bldg., 401 N. Boundary St., Williamsburg, VA 23185 (map)
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Reminder: Historic Triangle Joint Comprehensive Plan Review Communi... @ Mon Feb 27 7pm - 9pm (

Historic Triangle Joint Comprehensive Plan Review Community Forums

The City of Williamsburg, James City County, and York County are simultaneously
reviewing their comprehensive plans – the long-range plan for the locality's physical
development. Topics include land use, transportation, and other Historic Triangle
regional issues.
Four community forums will be held with each meeting focused on a specific
geographic area as well as the Historic Triangle as a whole. All meetings are 7-9 p.m.:
1. Riverside/Busch/Marquis area
Thursday, February 2, Magruder Elementary Cafetorium, 700 Penniman Rd.
2. Lightfoot/Pottery area
Thursday, February 23, Warhill High Auditorium, 4615 Opportunity Way
3. Northeast Triangle and surrounding area
Monday, February 27, Williamsburg Community Bldg., 401 N. Boundary St.
4. Yorktown/Lower York
Thursday, March 15, Tabb Library Meeting Room, 100 Long Green Blvd.
Each forum will include an informational overview and a public input session seeking
feedback on specific focus areas and the overall Historic Triangle.
For more information visit or call your locality's Planning Department:
Williamsburg 220-6130, York 890-3404, or James City 253-6685.
Mon Feb 27 7pm – 9pm Eastern Time
Williamsburg Community Bldg., 401 N. Boundary St., Williamsburg, VA 23185 (map)
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[Peninsula-Patriots] Fw: HB-1160

DeWitt Edwards 
"DUTY to my God, Family and Country - HONOR to myself and others - RESPECT to all, who deserve it" 

From: Mike Prunty <>

Subject: HB-1160

Dear Governor McDonnell,
Rumors are widely circulated now that you are against protecting Virginia citizens against unlawful and unconstitutional arrest and detention under the National Defense Authorization Act (N.D.A.A.). Let us all hope this is not true!
Rumors also abound in your intense interest in being selected as a Vice Presidential candidate.
If both of these rumors are indeed true, then they are in direct conflict, as the reaction by Virginia grassroots conservative activists across the entire state to your betrayal of them on the first will be an open campaign of equal or greater intensity against you having any success at the second.
I would surely join them.
You took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitutions of both Virginia and the United States, Mr. Governor.
Now do it.
Mike Prunty
Founder and President
The American Freedom Project
Yorktown, Virginia
Cell: (757) 329-6879

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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 |

Saturday, February 25, 2012

York County Republican Committee Call to Meeting, March 1, 2012

All Forum attendees are invited and encouraged to attend this very important YCRC meeting to hear the guest speakers
Donna Holt and Dr. Eric Williams
Also learn of the details regarding the Republican Party’s Biennial Mass Meeting - March 29, 2012, Draft Notice Attached

The undersigned Chairman calls members of the York County Republican Committee to the regular monthly meeting for the purpose of conducting business as stated in below agenda
March 1, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in York Hall
301 Main Street, Yorktown, Virginia


March 1, 2012

Opening Ceremonies
Introduction of Guests

Reports of Officers

1.  Guest Speaker:  Donna Holt on United Nations Agenda 21
2.  Guest Speaker:  Dr. Eric Williams, Superintendant of Schools, York County School Division, on the 2013 York County School Division Budget
New Business

Chairman’s Remarks



York County Republican Committee
February 23, 2012
Attachment:  Draft Call for Biennial Mass Meeting

Fw: Community Meeting Notice > PLEASE share!

Fellow VPCCC Reps.. – Forwarded FYI
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2012 4:30 PM
Subject: Community Meeting Notice > PLEASE share!


Community Meeting Notice

The Virginia Peninsula Car Club Council was established to support the Automotive Clubs and Auto Enthusiasts in the Va. Peninsula Region and surrounding areas.  VPCCC is a not-for-profit group (


The VPCCC meets on the third Thursday of the month (Except Dec.)   at 7:00 pm at Coxton's Collision Center - Gold Team . Coxton's is located @ 1609 George Washington Mem Hwy . ( Rt 17 ) Yorktown, VA 23693-4310  .    Look for Suite D! 


Remember we're looking for the new site now!!! Hopefully we will know fairly soon and can post on the VPCCC website. We have several to chose from and are looking at the best spot for our many delegates.


Mar 15th  is our next meeting .   Mr. Trey Dotson of Va Motorsports Park  …

will be speaking on VMP & Upcoming events . Please consider coming as our guest.  Call or email Hal Hartel for more information.  


FYI-We have clubs, individuals and businesses as members from Chesapeake, Charles City, Chester, Denbigh, Gloucester - Middle Peninsula, Hampton, Isle of Wight, James City County, Newport News, Norfolk, Poquoson, Portsmouth, Smithfield, Suffolk, Va. Beach, Yorktown, York County, Williamsburg of Virginia and Elizabeth City & Outer Banks of  N.C.



Thanks, Hal

President of VPCCC  

Harold D. Hartel

100 Kayla Ct.

Yorktown, Va.


Home  # 757/867-6336    


Friday, February 24, 2012

Senator Jim Webb's Response to Your Message.

February 24, 2012
Mr. Robert Bruce Alexander
615 Carys Chapel Rd.
Yorktown, VA 23693-2509
Dear Mr. Alexander:
Thank you for contacting my office regarding health insurance coverage of contraceptives.  I appreciate your taking the time to share your views with me.
First, I support strict adherence by all levels of government to the establishment clause of the First Amendment and the religious liberties it safeguards. These liberties, as well as the doctrine of separation of church and state, have allowed religion and religious institutions to flourish in our country.
With respect to contraceptives, on August 1, 2011, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued new guidelines governing not only contraceptives but other preventive health services for women.  Developed by the independent Institute of Medicine, the guidelines require new health insurance plans to cover women’s preventive services such as well-woman visits, breastfeeding support, domestic violence screening, and contraception without charging a co-payment, co-insurance or a deductible.  HHS proposed to exempt certain religious employers from the new contraceptive requirement.  I understand the deep-seated concerns expressed by millions of Americans that the definition of “religious employer” is too narrow. 
            On January 20, 2012, HHS announced that it would not broaden this exemption to allow other employers to refuse to cover contraceptives.  However, employers that do not currently offer their employees contraceptive coverage will be allowed one year to come into compliance with the new requirement. I would encourage you to visit!documentDetail;D=HHS-OS-2011-0023-0002 for more information on the HHS rule.
The new HHS guidelines have generated significant opposition from citizens and religious institutions who believe the guidelines unfairly restrict certain religious-based organizations.  In response to this concern, President Obama announced on February 3, 2012 that schools, hospitals and other institutions with religious affiliations would no longer be required to provide mandatory coverage of contraception in their health insurance policies. The cost of such coverage would be assumed by insurance carriers. This change in policy drew praise from many people and organizations – including the Catholic Health Association -- that had heretofore opposed the HHS policy.
I will continue to examine this issue closely and will be guided in large measure by the constitutional principles that I described at the outset of this letter. Please be assured that if the Senate considers legislation to modify or overturn the new rules, your views will be very helpful to me.  I hope that you will continue to share your thoughts with me in the future.
I would also invite you to visit my website at for regular updates about my activities and positions on issues that are important to Virginia and our nation.
Thank you once again for contacting my office.
Jim Webb
United States Senator

York County Citizen News Spring 2012


The current edition of York County's Citizen News is now available on-line.  To access it, click the link below.

Citizen News Spring 2012

Thank you and have a pleasant weekend.



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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Reminder: Historic Triangle Joint Comprehensive Plan Review Communi... @ Thu Feb 23 7pm - 9pm (

Historic Triangle Joint Comprehensive Plan Review Community Forums

The City of Williamsburg, James City County, and York County are simultaneously
reviewing their comprehensive plans – the long-range plan for the locality's physical
development. Topics include land use, transportation, and other Historic Triangle
regional issues.
Four community forums will be held with each meeting focused on a specific
geographic area as well as the Historic Triangle as a whole. All meetings are 7-9 p.m.:
1. Riverside/Busch/Marquis area
Thursday, February 2, Magruder Elementary Cafetorium, 700 Penniman Rd.
2. Lightfoot/Pottery area
Thursday, February 23, Warhill High Auditorium, 4615 Opportunity Way
3. Northeast Triangle and surrounding area
Monday, February 27, Williamsburg Community Bldg., 401 N. Boundary St.
4. Yorktown/Lower York
Thursday, March 15, Tabb Library Meeting Room, 100 Long Green Blvd.
Each forum will include an informational overview and a public input session seeking
feedback on specific focus areas and the overall Historic Triangle.
For more information visit or call your locality's Planning Department:
Williamsburg 220-6130, York 890-3404, or James City 253-6685.
Thu Feb 23 7pm – 9pm Eastern Time
Warhill High Auditorium, 4615 Opportunity Way, Williamsburg, VA 23188 (map)
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Reminder: Historic Triangle Joint Comprehensive Plan Review Communi... @ Thu Feb 23 7pm - 9pm (

Historic Triangle Joint Comprehensive Plan Review Community Forums

The City of Williamsburg, James City County, and York County are simultaneously
reviewing their comprehensive plans – the long-range plan for the locality's physical
development. Topics include land use, transportation, and other Historic Triangle
regional issues.
Four community forums will be held with each meeting focused on a specific
geographic area as well as the Historic Triangle as a whole. All meetings are 7-9 p.m.:
1. Riverside/Busch/Marquis area
Thursday, February 2, Magruder Elementary Cafetorium, 700 Penniman Rd.
2. Lightfoot/Pottery area
Thursday, February 23, Warhill High Auditorium, 4615 Opportunity Way
3. Northeast Triangle and surrounding area
Monday, February 27, Williamsburg Community Bldg., 401 N. Boundary St.
4. Yorktown/Lower York
Thursday, March 15, Tabb Library Meeting Room, 100 Long Green Blvd.
Each forum will include an informational overview and a public input session seeking
feedback on specific focus areas and the overall Historic Triangle.
For more information visit or call your locality's Planning Department:
Williamsburg 220-6130, York 890-3404, or James City 253-6685.
Thu Feb 23 7pm – 9pm Eastern Time
Warhill High Auditorium, 4615 Opportunity Way, Williamsburg, VA 23188 (map)
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Reminder: York Board of Zoning Subdivision Appeals @ Thu Feb 23 7pm - 8pm (

York Board of Zoning Subdivision Appeals

York Hall
Thu Feb 23 7pm – 8pm Eastern Time
301 Main St., Yorktown VA (map)
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News from York County


York County Sports Complex to begin spring hours on March 1
February 22, 2012


Spring hours of operation will begin at the York County Sports Complex on Thursday, March 1, 2012, and will continue until Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2012. 

The sports complex will be open daily from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., or will close later to allow daily and nightly activities to conclude. The park will remain subject to closure during inclement weather.

The park's 13 lighted athletic fields and three concession/restroom buildings serve as a hub for Parks and Recreation's fall and spring youth soccer and adult softball programs, York County Little League's fall and spring/summer youth baseball/softball program, and a number of other activities. The sports complex also includes two playground sites, numerous picnic shelters and a paved walking/bike path that are open daily for the public's enjoyment. 

For more information on the York County Sports Complex, please call Amy Rowley, Facilities Coordinator, at (757) 890-3511 or visit

# # #


Senior Center Announces March Programs
February 22, 2012




A variety of educational and entertaining programs are being offered at the Senior Center of York in March.

Participation is open to seniors age 55 or better and their spouses, regardless of age. The center is located in the Washington Square Shopping Center at 5314 George Washington Memorial Highway (Rt. 17), and is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The center is closed all county holidays. 

Reservations are required for all sessions and are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis. To register, stop by the center or call 898-3807. For more information, please visit


Computer General Use. The computers are available for general use Monday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. unless the lab is reserved for programmed activities. Currently, classes are held on Tuesdays in the lab. To use the computers you must sign in at the Senior Center front desk. Feel free to call 898-3807 to see if spaces are still available for our upcoming classes beginning on March 6.


"Tax Relief & Filing Assistance for the Elderly and/or Disabled," Wednesday, March 7 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Staff from the office of the York County Commissioner of the Revenue will be available to offer assistance with completing the application for this tax relief program available to real estate and mobile homeowners residing in York County. To be eligible, an applicant must either be at least 65 years old or permanently and totally disabled, and also must be a York County homeowner who resides in the dwelling. Applications must be filed by April 1. Call the Senior Center at 898-3807 to sign-up.

York-Poquoson Triad Presents "Identifying Safety Hazards in the Home," Monday, March 12 from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Have you ever wondered if your smoke detector is working correctly? Did you ever want a carbon monoxide detector, but are unsure of how or where to install it? Have you ever been concerned about how safe your home is from possible break-in? These are just a few issues that many of us face, but we may be unsure of what to do or even where to go for help. Please join us for this free and informative presentation with representatives from the York County Department of Fire and Life Safety and the York-Poquoson Sheriff's Office. Triad will be providing snacks and drinks. To register call the Senior Center of York at 898-3807.


Scrapbooking & Greeting Cards, Monday, March 12 from 9 a.m. to noon. Join us as Cathy Fowler of Creative Memories shows how to make beautiful cards and assists you with your scrapbook. These cards and your personalized scrapbook create lasting memories and make wonderful gifts for your loved ones. Note: Please limit to four cards. For more information and to register, please call 898-3807 by March 9. 

Culture Day, "Sing in the Green" Wednesday, March 14 at 1 p.m. Folk Singer Bob Zentz will tell stories and lead the group in a lively sing-a-long of Irish music. Refreshments will be served. Please register at the front desk.


Poetry Appreciation, Tuesday, March 20 at 1 p.m. Do you have poems and/or readings that
have inspired you? If so we invite you to come and share them with us at this event. If possible, please submit your materials to the front desk prior to this event.
"Transportation Museum," Wednesday, March 21 at 1 p.m. Matthew Fraas, Education Coordinator at the United States Army Transportation Museum at Fort Eustis, will give an instructive talk on the museum, showing artifacts and detailing the history of army transportation. Refreshments will be served. Please register for this program by calling 898-3807 or signing up at the front desk. 

March Birthday Bash, Karaoke Friday, March 23 at 1 p.m. Come sing- a-long with Karaoke Jockeys Sam and Dave with their new updated system with even more of your favorite songs and greatest musical hits! You are sure to find something to suit your musical tastes. Individual and group performances are encouraged. Remember you do not have to be celebrating a birthday to attend. Cake and beverage served. Please call 898-3807 for more information and to register for this program.


March Trip with Historic Triangle Center in Williamsburg, Friday, March 23. Celebrate the beginning of spring with a Tour & Tasting at the New Kent Winery, followed by lunch on your own at Rose & Crown Tavern. Then visit Saude'Creek Vineyards in Lanexa for another Tour & Tasting. The van will depart from the Senior Center of York at 9 a.m. and will return at approximately 4:30 p.m. The cost will be $25 and checks should be made payable to the Historic Triangle Senior Center. For more information and to complete a registration form, please call 898-3807 or drop by the Senior Center front desk.

AARP Driver Safety Program, March 26 & March 27. This program is designed for drivers age 50 or better, and will take place on Monday, March 26 from 12:30 – 4:45 p.m. and Tuesday, March 27 from 12:30 – 4:30 p.m. The cost for this two-day program is now $12 for members of AARP and $14 for non-members.Fees should be paid by check and made out to AARP. Class registration may be made in person at the Senior Center, by phone or by mail. Note: AARP membership, which cannot be processed the day of a class, is not required for class registration. There is no "behind the wheel" driving performed in this program. Drivers age 55 or better must attend both classes to receive the state mandated three-year automobile insurance reduction. Many insurance companies are giving insurance reductions to drivers age 50+ with the same attendance requirements. Those less than age 55 should check with their insurance company to see if they are entitled to the three-year insurance reduction. Class enrollment is limited to 25.

Health Day, "Maintain Your Brain," Wednesday, March 28 at 12:45 p.m. According to statistics from the Alzheimer's Association, 5.4 million Americans are living with this disease. Emerging evidence suggests there are steps you can take to help keep your brain healthier as you age. These steps might also reduce your risk of Alzheimer's disease or other dementias. Doug Panto with the Alzheimer's Association will discuss ways you can keep your brain healthy by staying active and utilizing games and quizzes. To register, call the Senior Center of York at
898-3807 by March 26.

Dining Club. Want to meet new people, have fun and enjoy a midday meal? Sign up for Dining Club that meets at the Senior Center on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Participants can play Wii, bingo, dominoes, crafts or take part in a variety of other activities at the Center. Participants must be age 60 or over and register with the Peninsula Agency on Aging by calling 873-0541. 

Beginning Line Dancing. If you are interested in learning Beginning Line Dancing, please call the Center at 898-3807 to leave your name and phone number. If there is enough interest, we will begin a new class in the near future.   
Mark Your Calendar!
A     Annual Senior Health & Safety Fair, Friday, April 13 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. It's not too early to mark your calendar! Free health screenings will include cholesterol, blood pressure, weight and height screenings, and a diabetes risk assessment provided by Sentara Community Health and Prevention. The York Lion's Club will offer free vision and hearing screenings and the Orthopaedic & Spine Center will provide bone density screenings. Other service organizations will be on hand to answer questions and provide information to help you maintain a healthy and independent lifestyle. Additionally, there will be several lectures, refreshments, door prizes, and a light lunch. Call the Senior Center at 898-3807 for more information. Registration begins for the free screenings on March 13.  

Annual Tea Wednesday, April 18 at 1 p.m. "Presidential Marriages" Ms.Feather Schwartz Foster, author of the book "Presidential Marriages," will discuss the dynamics of the marriages ofUlysses S. Grant and William Howard Taft, and the encouragement and supportgiven by their wives Julia and Nellie to help them reach the White House. Ms.Foster will be available afterwards for book signing. Light refreshments will be served. Registration for this program will run March 26 through April 16 or until space is full.


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