Monday, February 27, 2012

[Peninsula-Patriots] Fw: HB-1160

DeWitt Edwards 
"DUTY to my God, Family and Country - HONOR to myself and others - RESPECT to all, who deserve it" 

From: Mike Prunty <>

Subject: HB-1160

Dear Governor McDonnell,
Rumors are widely circulated now that you are against protecting Virginia citizens against unlawful and unconstitutional arrest and detention under the National Defense Authorization Act (N.D.A.A.). Let us all hope this is not true!
Rumors also abound in your intense interest in being selected as a Vice Presidential candidate.
If both of these rumors are indeed true, then they are in direct conflict, as the reaction by Virginia grassroots conservative activists across the entire state to your betrayal of them on the first will be an open campaign of equal or greater intensity against you having any success at the second.
I would surely join them.
You took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitutions of both Virginia and the United States, Mr. Governor.
Now do it.
Mike Prunty
Founder and President
The American Freedom Project
Yorktown, Virginia
Cell: (757) 329-6879

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