Friend --
Thought you might be interested in seeing this. As sheriffs who have the privilege of serving our communities, we are endorsing Randy Forbes as the trusted, tested, capable choice for Virginia's Second District.
Bottom-line: there's no greater conservative voice in Congress or stronger advocate for our men and women in uniform than Randy Forbes. Now is not the time for untested leadership -- this region would suffer immeasurably without his experience and integrity.
We are proud to endorse him and invite you to join in working alongside us to elect this patriot on June 14th.
Yours in service,
Sheriff Danny Diggs, York-Poquoson
Sheriff Bob Deeds, Williamsburg-James City County
P.S. This week is National Police Week, and it's wonderful to see the nation pause to recognize the law enforcement officials who serve to keep our communities safe. But it's even better to know that Randy Forbes has our back in Congress every day of the year. We hope you will join us in standing with Randy on June 14th.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Hailey Sadler <> Date: Thu, May 19, 2016 at 10:46 AM Subject: PRESS RELEASE: Sheriffs Serving Norfolk, Williamsburg, James City County, York County, Poquoson, and Chesapeake Endorse Forbes
Sheriffs Serving Norfolk, Williamsburg, James City County, York County, Poquoson, and Chesapeake Endorse Forbes Second District Sheriffs on Congressman Randy Forbes:
"No greater conservative voice," "Man of character"
"Record of fighting for Virginia jobs," "The right man for the job"
"Advocate for our men and women in uniform"
"This region would suffer immeasurably without the leadership and integrity of Randy Forbes"
Date: May 19, 2016 Contact: Hailey Sadler, Communications Director, (757) 692-2108 Virginia Beach, VA -- Today, Congressman Randy Forbes announced the support of some of the region's most well-respect law enforcement officials. These sheriffs, serving Norfolk, Williamsburg, James City County, York County, Poquoson, and Chesapeake with over 140 years of combined service, have offered their unequivocal endorsements of Congressman Forbes. Here's what they have to say about why they are supporting Forbes for the Second District: Sheriff Bob McCabe, Norfolk: "I have seen firsthand Congressman Randy Forbes' ability to solve problems in a bipartisan way. With his knowledge on national security issues and his record of fighting for Virginia jobs, I am confident that he's the right man for the job."
Sheriff Jim O'Sullivan, Chesapeake: "Whether it's law enforcement, U.S. Marines, Airmen, Sailors, or Soldiers -- our men and women in uniform know that Randy Forbes always has their back and always will. I'm proud to endorse this man of character to represent the Second District." Sheriff Danny Diggs, York-Poquoson: "This region would suffer immeasurably without the leadership and integrity of Randy Forbes." Sheriff Bob Deeds, Williamsburg-James City County: "There's no greater conservative voice in Congress or stronger advocate for our men and women in uniform than Randy Forbes." "Our local l aw enforcement officers put duty before self, working on the front-lines to protect our homes, our communities, our children, and our lives," Congressman Forbes said. "I am deeply honored to have the support of such distinguished public servants as Sheriffs Diggs, Deeds, McCabe, and O'Sullivan. These men serve our communities with courage and dedication, and I will continue to work to support all of our law enforcement officers who put themselves in harms way for our safety." Congressman Forbes has served as a champion for law enforcement in Congress, supporting legislation increasing federal funding for law enforcement technologies, establishing a Blue Alert system throughout the U.S. to help speed the apprehension of violent criminals who kill or seriously injure law enforcement officers, and improving laws permitting qualified retired law enforcement officers to carry concealed firearms, to name a few. Recently, he introduced a bill to immediately deport any alien who is a member of a violent criminal gang, and has supported legislation to address the growing opioid crisis in America.Forbes is one of the most senior members of the House Armed Services Committee and serves as Chairman of the Subcommittee that oversees key Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force programs that are the lifeblood of the Hampton Roads economy. He has been awarded the highest civilian honors by both the U.S. Army and U.S. Navy for his work on behalf of the military. Congressman Forbes has also been endorsed by top retired Navy SEAL Commanders, who collectively led 7 SEAL teams, 7 Former Secretaries of the Navy, over 50 retired military officers, more than 120 of the region's top executives and business leaders, as well as over 40 elected government officials across the Second District at the local, state, and national levels, including Congressman Scott Rigell (VA02) and Congressman Rob Wittman (VA01).
