Please pass this along to club & committee members & fellow conservatives!! We look forward to seeing everyone at these events in these last days before the Nov. 8 election!!
Tom Harmon has a real chance of winning IF the voters from York County and the 2nd District get to the polls on Nov. 8th!
Even if you aren’t in the 2nd District, it’s important to help get voters motivated to elect Tom Harmon! We need you!!
Tom’s opponent thinks York County doesn’t matter even though we’re now in the 2nd District – it’s time we showed her all of York County & all of the 2nd District care about who represents us in Richmond!
Thanks for all you’re doing to get the word out that there IS a conservative choice for the 2nd District Senate – Tom Harmon!!
Hope to see you at my home for Tom’s “Meet & Greet” on Nov. 1st!
Lynda Fairman
York County Coordinator, Tom Harmon for Virginia Senate ‘Like’ & share us on Facebook: Tom Harmon for VA Senate
Here are the upcoming events that need your help to ‘Flip The Senate’ and send Tom Harmon to replace incumbent liberal Mamie Locke in the 2nd Senate District!!
· Friday, 28 Oct., 6:00 pm @ Hampton City Hall: League of Women Voters Debate – Tom Harmon (R) vs. incumbent Mamie Locke (D)
We need you to turn out to support Tom in this District 2 debate that will be reported in local newspapers and blogs. You can submit questions from the floor. It’s time to ask Mamie Locke why she has ignored York County and refused to attend the York County forums/debates and why she stated she’s “proud of her zero rating from the Family Foundation” on her family values voting record!
· Sat., 29 Oct., 10:00 am, YC Door-to-Door Walking with Tom Harmon in the subdivisions along Cary’s Chapel Rd. (Woods of Tabb, Brentmeade, etc.)
meet @ produce stand at corner of Victory Blvd. & Cary’s Chapel Rd. diagonally across from Cary’s Chapel Church to get maps & walk lists from Carl Anderson (You might want to bring an umbrella & raincoat!)
Join Tom & his team as they bring Tom’s message & information to this area of York County & meet the voters! We’ll still walk even if it’s raining – it REALLY sends the message to voters that we care that much about electing Tom Harmon!
- Carl has other 2nd District area maps & walk lists that need to be completed this week, also, so let him know if you’re able to help with this: Carl Anderson: 757-870-6081 &
· Tuesday, 1 Nov., 6:30pm – 8:30pm Meet & Greet/Fundraiser @ Terry & Lynda Fairman’s home (invitation attached & below!) with special guest speaker & Constitutional patriot, E. W. Jackson!
This is a chance for York County voters to hear Tom speak on his plans to represent you and answer your questions.
Funds raised this evening will be used for a final media push to get the vote out for Tom on Nov. 8th! (Please RSVP asap by 31 Oct. so we’re sure to have enough appetizers & beverages for everyone!)
· 30 Oct. – 7 Nov., late afternoons & early evenings; PHONE BANKING from your own home!
Lynda Fairman has the York County phone lists to call 2nd District voters to remind them to vote for Tom Harmon for VA Senate on Tuesday, 8 Nov. Contact her at 757-593-1854 or or respond to this email to get a list. She’ll have them at the Nov. 1st Meet & Greet event at her home, also.
· Tuesday, 8 NOV – ELECTION DAY Poll Watchers!!
We need poll watchers in all the 52 polling locations in the 2nd District to make sure everything runs smoothly and it’s a fair election! Contact Tom’s campaign mgr., Darryl Postell, to let him know you’re able to help and find out when/where the training will take place: or 757-303-8871. Call Darryl quickly to get the poll location you’d like to work!
· Don’t know your District?? The 2nd Senate District = Hampton, southern part of Newport News, part of Portsmouth, and part of York County
If you’re not sure what District you’re now in or know of other voters who are unsure. Please pass this along to others, too! J
Go to this official site:
When it comes up, select "Interactive Map & Plans" then change "Default" window to desired state race: Senate or House (of Delegates).
The left sidebar should automatically 'check' the last map choice: "passed 4/28/11" to get the final version of the new lines.
Above the map in the menu bar, type in your address. The map will place a flag on that location.
You can then zoom in and out to see the district lines & streets. You'll see the # of the district in that area.
· If you need Tom’s literature, yard signs, bumper stickers, etc., contact Lynda Fairman (757-593-1854), Carl Anderson (757-870-6081), or CM Darryl Postell (757-303-8871)!