Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What I wrote - Sign the Prosecute Eric Holder Petition Today

October 18, 2011
Dear Representative Wittman:
Dear Senator Webb:
Dear Senator Warner:
As long as the seat of our nation's justice is held by Eric Holder, we can have no confidence that justice can be done. He has done more injustice to our nation than most anyone in history. His actions are treasonous and he must be brought to justice. However, he seems to believe he personifies justice and is above the law. No man can ever be above the law. 

Therefore it is imperative that Eric Holder be held responsible for his actions, and tried accordingly with all due and swift process.

Mr. Holders testimony before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform was a sham and a fraud. His consistent, blatant, and obvious perjury regarding the "Fast and Furious" program and his involvement in that program are not just shameful but define treason. 

An independent special prosecutor must be appointed to investigate and prosecute as necessary. If convicted, Mr. Holder should face the absolute maximum penalty. No nation can accept perjury or treason, especially from the man who is supposed to enforce against them. Mr. Holder has proven himself criminally implicit and unworthy of public trust.

Anyone voting not to investigate will be considered equally untrustworthy.
Mr. Wayne Petitto
102 Stevens Ct
Yorktown, VA 23693

-----Original Message-----
From: TheTeaParty.net <donotreply@theteaparty.net>
To: Wayne Petitto <w2fred@aol.com>
Sent: Tue, Oct 18, 2011 4:58 am
Subject: Perjury is a Crime - Sign the Prosecute Eric Holder Petition Today

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Dear Patriot,
Prosecute Eric Holder
Operation Fast and Furious is an inherently idiotic idea that has resulted in the death of a Border Patrol Agent, as well as the deaths of many Mexican nationals. And even after federal officials became aware of these deaths, there were three egregious criminal actions taken. First, federal officials tried to cover up evidence at a murder scene. Second, the federal agent who blew the whistle on Operation Fast and Furious was fired for doing so. Finally, Attorney General Eric Holder lied to Congress under oath about his knowledge of Fast and Furious.

When US B order Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered in December 2010, two guns were discovered at the murder scene. As it would turn out, these guns were two of literally thousands of guns that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) allowed to illegally cross the border into Mexico as part of the ill-advised - and likely illegal - Operation Fast and Furious. ATF would end up losing track of over 1,000 of those weapons, many of which have turned up at a dozen violent crime scenes in Mexico. Officials then attempted to cover up the fact that the AK-47s that killed Agent Terry were a part of the operation.

The details of Fast and Furious, also called Project Gunrunner, may have never come to light without Agent Vince Cefalu blowing the whistle. After going public with  the details, ATF conducted seven internal affairs investigations into Agent Cefalu and, frustrated that they couldn't charge him with a crime, they settled for firing him after 30 years of service for what they called a "lack of candor" in June.

The most obvious crime, for which there must be justice, happened when Attorney General Eric Holder was called before Congress to explain under oath what happened with Fast and Furious. Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Rep. Darrell Issa, asked Holder a direct question: on what date did he first learn about Fast and Furious? Holder responded, "I'm not sure of the exact date, but I probably heard about Fast and Furious for the first time over the last few weeks." But now internal memos are surfacing showing that Eric Holder had known about the operation for at least 10 months!

It's obvious that this amounts to systemic criminal behavior on the part of Justice Department and ATF agents, and the full extent of this criminal behavior should be investigated. But one crime we know for sure: when Eric Holder perjured himself before Congress, he committed a crime for which he must be held accountable! We've launched our Prosecute Eric Holder petition, and we need every patriot who reads this email to stand with us and tell Congress that we will not allow this criminal behavior on our watch! A special prosecutor must be appointed to investigate and prosecute the criminal that Barack Obama has running the US Department of Justice!

Please, take a moment to use our state-of-the-art petition system to contact your elected officials and leave your comments on the petition as well. It costs nothing to participate, and we need to make our voice heard! *You are not required to make a donation to participate, but your contributions allow us to continue to offer this service free of charge to patriots across the country.

Eric Holder must be held accountable. Please, lend your voice to the Prosecute Eric Holder petition.
Thank you,
Todd Cefaratti
Freedom Organizer

P.S. Our strength is in numbers. Please help our efforts by forwarding to a friend.



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