Wednesday, March 28, 2018

York County Planning Commission Volunteer

Dear Neighbors,


I’m looking for a volunteer from District 5 to serve on the York County Planning Commission.  You are in District 5 if you vote at either the Bethel Precinct (Tabb Elementary School) or Tabb Precinct (Tabb High School).  The current commissioner will reach his term limit in June and the Board of Supervisors would like to select a replacement before the current term expires.


The Code of Virginia requires local governments to have a Planning Commission.  The purpose of the Commission is to make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors on land use and advise the Supervisors on planning issues that affect the County.  The Commission develops the Comprehensive Plan, which serves as a guide for development throughout the County.  The Commission provides recommendations on Special Use Permits, the reclassification of property, proposed amendments to development ordinances or policies and any other community development issues.  The Planning Commission meets in regular session on the second Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. in York Hall.  Public hearings and all matters to come before the Commission will be as advertised. 


There is no special requirement to serve as a planning commissioner. All you need to do is fill out the online application, which can be found on the County’s webpage at  When you get to the webpage you will see a red banner.  Drag your cursor over the words “Board of Supervisors” and a box will open.  In the box you will see  the words “About the BOS” under which are several hyperlinks.  The hyperlink “Board Bank Application” will take you to the application.  You do not need to spend a great deal of time filling out the application.  A brief summary of your experience, education, hobbies will suffice.   Again, there are no special requirements to serve on the Planning Commission.  However, the Board of Supervisors will limit its selections to only residents of the County who are registered to vote.  Please let me know if you have any questions or trouble with the application. 


Individuals selected to serve on the commission will be given an opportunity to attend a Planning Commission Certification Program sponsored by Virginia Tech.   You can find more information about the Planning Commission by selecting the hyperlink “Boards and Commissions.” 


Thank you in advance for your consideration in serving on the Planning Commission.  It is a great way to serve all the citizens of York County.




Tom Shepperd

York County Board of Supervisors


Home (757) 868-8591

Mobile (757) 903-1875


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Notification: York Board of Zoning Subdivision Appeals @ Thu Mar 22, 2018 7pm - 8pm (EDT) (

York Board of Zoning Subdivision Appeals

York Hall
Thu Mar 22, 2018 7pm – 8pm Eastern Time
301 Main St., Yorktown VA (map)
Admin - organizer
Robert Bruce Alexander - creator

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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Notification: York County Board of Supervisor's meeting @ Tue Mar 20, 2018 6pm - 8:30pm (EDT) (

York County Board of Supervisor's meeting

Tue Mar 20, 2018 6pm – 8:30pm Eastern Time
301 Main St, Yorktown, VA‎ 23690 (map)
Admin - organizer
Robert Bruce Alexander - creator

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 Sales Tax Increase For The Historic Triangle!

I just spoke on WNIS

re:  SB 942.        More calls will be made tomorrow.   Toni Macrini was very favorable of my opinion! And he read the entire bill on the radio. (Attached below)  Articles have been is the WY Daily, the Va. Gazette, The Daily Press!  Watch and support your local Yorktown Crier also.  

Pogge said the tax increase "represents taxation without representation, which is ironic for that to happen in Williamsburg."

"Instead of tourists paying the tax, the population at large pays the bulk of this tax," Pogge said. "It's a $25 million tax coming out of the pockets of my constituents every time they pass a cash register."

**FYI: Delegate Mike Mullins (Democrat) sent a letter yesterday saying he voted AGAINST SB 942 due to the calls he received. It does make a difference!!  Gordon Helsel voted FOR it, as did David Yancey, and three people didn't even vote on it:  Margaret Ransone, Emily Brewer, and Tim Hugo. 

 Please call the Governor's Office (804) 786-2211, and respectfully ask him to vote AGAINST SB 942.  Short, sweet, and to the point.  See attached for more info.

Call the delegates:

Gordon Helsel  804-698-1091

(Remember Helsel voted for this bill!)

Mike Mullin   804-698-1093

Brenda Pogge  804-698-1096. 

Avalaible here : A listing of all the votes in this house:

This bill was submitted by Tommy Norment and is to tax York County residents 1% for Williamsburg Tourism.  Even if you live in Newport News, Hampton, Virginia Beach, or the surrounding area, it is important that You call!  Should this pass, what is to stop our government from taxing You and your City/County too?? 

A major area of concern is the lack of public discussion. There was plenty of discussion about a proposed sales tax bill in the months leading up to its appearance in the General Assembly. That discussion didn't take place in public.  "Instead, the sales tax bill materialized in private meetings and correspondence between government officials, according to emails obtained by The Virginia Gazette through the Freedom of Information Act."

This sales tax bill will give the State taxing authority, not only the right to tax an individual locality but the right to distribute it and to tell them how to spend it. Any Locality can now go to the state and ask for an increase instead of working within the confines of their budget and "avoid" raising real estate taxes. Delegate Pogge said this bill will make the localities within the Historic Triangle have the highest sales tax rate in the state of Virginia. 

The Governor has until April 9 to veto or amend the bill.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Newport News Now





Let’s Get SWaMmed!

SWaM Certification Information Session

Are you a small, women-owned, or minority-owned business that wants to do business with the Commonwealth of Virginia?  Then you should plan on attending and information session on becoming SWaM certified that’s being held next week by the Virginia Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity in partnership with Christopher Newport University. The workshop takes place on Wednesday, March 14, from 9:00 am – noon at CNU’s Department of Material Management and Office of Procurement Service, 301 Hiden Boulevard, Suite 309. This information session covers the SWaM Program and designations, certification process and new on-line application portal (live demo), required documents needed to apply, and how to use the certification to do business with the Commonwealth. The event is free, but seating is limited and advance registration is required. Registration is available on the Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity’s website.

Small business owners who are looking to participate in Virginia’s specialized procurement and contracting opportunities are encouraged to become SWaM certified. Each year the state buys goods and services totaling more than $8 billion. The Commonwealth of Virginia wants to do business with you and increase participation of small, women owned, and minority-owned businesses.






Agricultural Pests Can
Damage Forests

Monitoring gypsy moths required to insure a healthy watershed

The gypsy moth is an invasive pest of hardwood forests in the United States.  The gypsy moth caterpillar eats the leaves of hardwood trees, leaving the trees bare, stressed and vulnerable to disease and death.  To reduce the susceptibility of an infestation, Newport News Waterworks has a forest management program which promotes tree health.
As part of the forest management program, Waterworks started monitoring the gypsy moth in 1989.  The monitoring program involves the annual trapping of male gypsy moths on the watershed property in Newport News and York County. Read more...





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Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Notification: York County Board of Supervisors meeting @ Tue Mar 6, 2018 6pm - 9pm (EST) (

York County Board of Supervisors meeting

Tue Mar 6, 2018 6pm – 9pm Eastern Time
York Hall, 301 Main Street, Yorktown, 23690 (map)
Admin - organizer

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Newport News Now





Agricultural Pests Can
Damage Forests

Monitoring gypsy moths required to insure a healthy watershed

The gypsy moth is an invasive pest of hardwood forests in the United States.  The gypsy moth caterpillar eats the leaves of hardwood trees, leaving the trees bare, stressed and vulnerable to disease and death.  To reduce the susceptibility of an infestation, Newport News Waterworks has a forest management program which promotes tree health.
As part of the forest management program, Waterworks started monitoring the gypsy moth in 1989.  The monitoring program involves the annual trapping of male gypsy moths on the watershed property in Newport News and York County. Read more...



The Mariners’ Museum Commemorates the
Battle of the Ironclads

156th anniversary this weekend

The Mariners’ Museum and Park is the site of festivities this weekend for the commemoration of the 156th anniversary of the Battle of the Ironclads. The museum is celebrating the battle with a weekend full of family-friendly activities, special events, lectures, and more. The battle proved the supremacy of iron to wood when the Union ironclad USS Monitor fought the Confederate ironclad CSS Virginia to a draw. This year, in addition to the battle itself, the weekend will focus on technology in the Civil War. 

This Friday, March 9, from 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. at the Sip and Sculpt event, guests can enjoy a glass of their favorite adult beverages while creating their own iron-cast molds. The molds are turned into a work of art using traditional iron-casting techniques during iron pour demonstrations throughout the weekend. Read more...




Crime Line: The Premier Community Based Crime Solving Program 

Now Offering a Downloadable App
for Online Tips

The Virginia Peninsula Crime-Stoppers was established in 1982 to aid law enforcement in fighting crime. Through the Crime Line, members of the community can assist the Newport News Police Department in the fight against crime by overcoming the two key elements that may inhibit community involvement:  fear and apathy.  Crime Line provides a telephone number and online submission form to encourage citizens in the community to volunteer vital information which assist the department in the fight against crime. There are two ways to submit a tip to Crime Line:

Call 1-888-LOCK-U-UP (1-888-562-5887)
Calls are received at the local Crime Line tips line phone located in the Public Information Office of the NNPD. This phone is a stand-alone instrument which does not provide caller ID, and conversations are not recorded. The person receiving the information completes the tips information form, makes initial inquiries and then passes the information to the investigating officer. Read more...



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