Dear Neighbors,
I’m looking for a volunteer from District 5 to serve on the York County Planning Commission. You are in District 5 if you vote at either the Bethel Precinct (Tabb Elementary School) or Tabb Precinct (Tabb High School). The current commissioner will reach his term limit in June and the Board of Supervisors would like to select a replacement before the current term expires.
The Code of Virginia requires local governments to have a Planning Commission. The purpose of the Commission is to make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors on land use and advise the Supervisors on planning issues that affect the County. The Commission develops the Comprehensive Plan, which serves as a guide for development throughout the County. The Commission provides recommendations on Special Use Permits, the reclassification of property, proposed amendments to development ordinances or policies and any other community development issues. The Planning Commission meets in regular session on the second Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. in York Hall. Public hearings and all matters to come before the Commission will be as advertised.
There is no special requirement to serve as a planning commissioner. All you need to do is fill out the online application, which can be found on the County’s webpage at When you get to the webpage you will see a red banner. Drag your cursor over the words “Board of Supervisors” and a box will open. In the box you will see the words “About the BOS” under which are several hyperlinks. The hyperlink “Board Bank Application” will take you to the application. You do not need to spend a great deal of time filling out the application. A brief summary of your experience, education, hobbies will suffice. Again, there are no special requirements to serve on the Planning Commission. However, the Board of Supervisors will limit its selections to only residents of the County who are registered to vote. Please let me know if you have any questions or trouble with the application.
Individuals selected to serve on the commission will be given an opportunity to attend a Planning Commission Certification Program sponsored by Virginia Tech. You can find more information about the Planning Commission by selecting the hyperlink “Boards and Commissions.”
Thank you in advance for your consideration in serving on the Planning Commission. It is a great way to serve all the citizens of York County.
Tom Shepperd
York County Board of Supervisors
Home (757) 868-8591
Mobile (757) 903-1875