Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Need YOUR Help! FW: Info & IMPORTANT: Election Day Reminders

Greetings, Fellow Republicans!

Well, today is it – ELECTION DAY!! Make sure you get to the polls to cast your vote for our Republican candidates from 6 AM – 7 PM and then head over to the Kiln Creek Golf & Country Club for our area’s Victory Party, 6:30 PM – 11:30 PM. Make sure you RSVP to Chad Green (757-879-0400) for the Victory Party.


Please note the RPV info below: the phone number and email if you spot any “irregularities” or “issues” while voting or working at our polls. Also, Chad Green is our area’s RPV Election Day attorney to handle any problems/issues.


è WE STILL NEED HELP OUTSIDE THE POLLS – particularly EDGEHILL (@ Yorktown Elementary School, 131 Siege Lane, 23692) and YORKTOWN (@ York High School 9300 Geo. Wash. Mem. Hwy/Rt 17, 23692) to pass out sample ballots and answer voter questions. You’d be surprised at how many people come to vote but haven’t decided! You may be the key to getting their vote for Republicans today!!

Please call Venner Milewski (305-8003) or stop by our Yorktown Republican HQ NOW (3630 Geo. Wash. Mem. Hwy./Rt.17) to find out where help is needed throughout this Election Day! If you can donate an hour or two to pass out Republican Sample Ballots, campaign lit, and support our candidates today, please let us know right away!!! VICTORY IS UP TO YOU !!!


I look forward to seeing you at our Victory Party tonight!

Thanks for all you’re doing to support Ken Cuccinelli, E.W. Jackson, Mark Obenshain, and our Delegates Mike Watson (93rd), Gordon Helsel (91st), and Brenda Pogge (96th)!!


For God and Country,



Lynda Fairman

Chairman, York County Republican Committee




Unit Chairs,

I just wanted to send you a reminder of a few important pieces of information for Election Day.

If you or you volunteers experience any voting integrity issues at the poll, for assistance, please contact our Election Day attorneys at 571-354-6755 or via e-mail at VAElections115@gmail.com  Our Election Day Operations will be available before the polls open, starting at 5:00am and will run until all of the races are called.

Also, as a reminder to your volunteers, attached and at the following link, you'll find the rules regarding voter identification at the polling place. (http://www.sbe.virginia.gov/Files/Cast%20Your%20Ballot/VotingInPerson/VoterIdentificationChart.pdf).   Keep in mind that the new Photo ID law does not go into effect until 2014, so we are still operating under the usual voter identification rules. 



Anthony Reedy
Executive Director
Republican Party of Virginia
Office: 804-780-0111
Mobile: 276-920-7795
Fax: 804-343-1060

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