Monday, February 24, 2014

YC Republican Mass Mtg OFFICIAL Call & Pre-File Form info

Good Morning, Fellow Republicans,


The York County Republican Mass Meeting will be held Tuesday evening, 25 March 2014, at the Grafton Middle/High School Auditorium with registration beginning at 6:00 pm and the meeting beginning at 7:30 pm. The OFFICIAL Call with details, requirements, and deadline information and the OFFICIAL Pre-Registration/Pre-File Form for the York County Republican Mass Meeting are now available on the Republican Party of Virginia (RPV) website and the York County Republican Committee (YCRC) website to print for your use.


« If you wish to be a Candidate for membership in the 2014-2016 York County Republican Committee, a Candidate for 2014-2016 Chairman of the YCRC, and/or a Candidate to be a York County Delegate to the Republican Party of Virginia 2014 State Convention, the OFFICIAL (posted) Pre-Registration/Candidate Pre-File Form DEADLINE is no later than 5:00 PM on Saturday, 8 March 2014, via U.S. mail or hand delivered. Please see the Official Call for details. Postmarks do NOT govern!


è ANY registered York County voter who agrees to support Republican principles and Republican candidates, may attend the 2014 York County Republican Mass Meeting to participate and vote!

è York County Voters who are not candidates as noted above are NOT required to turn in the Official Pre-Registration/Candidate Pre-File Form, however, it is highly recommended that you do so in order to expedite your check-in upon arrival at the Mass Meeting on 25 March!


« All voters will have their York County voting status verified to receive voting credentials at the Mass Meeting. Using the posted Official Pre-Registration/Candidate Pre-File Form will expedite the check-in process. Upon arrival at the Mass Meeting on March 25th, all voters must show valid photo ID or their current Voter Identification Card to receive their voting credentials. Please review the Official Call for details.



«To access the OFFICIAL Call and OFFICIAL Form:


è Go to On the left side of the RPV home page, select “Get Local” and scroll down to click on “York County”.  You will find the link to the Official Call with the specific information and requirements with the link to the Official Pre-Registration/Candidate Pre-File Form on the York County page. Please review the documents and print for your use.


… OR …


è Go to Click on the links to the Official Call and the Official Pre-Registration/Candidate Pre-File Form on the YCRC home page in the York County Mass Meeting information article. Please review the documents and print for your use.



è NOTE: YCRC Parliamentarian David Philips incorrectly sent an email this weekend to many recipients that distributed the UNAUTHORIZED “DRAFT” version of the Pre-Registration/Candidate Pre-File Form.

THIS “DRAFT” FORM IS INVALID.  If you received Mr. Phillip’s email, DO NOT USE THE ATTACHED “DRAFT” Pre-Registration/Candidate Pre-File FORM - you will not be registered with it as this “Draft” document has serious mistakes and was not authorized to be distributed!


è You must use the OFFICIAL form now posted on the RPV (  and YCRC ( websites as noted above!



t The 2012-2014 York County Republican Committee’s term ends at the 2014 Mass Meeting with the election of the new 2014-2016 YCRC Membership on March 25th. The last regular business meeting of the 2012-2014 YCRC will be Thursday, 6 March 2014, at the Grafton Middle School Kiva. The YCRC, as the Official Unit of RPV for York County, is the sponsor and organizer of the 2014 York County Republican Mass Meeting and will be working through March 25th to ensure this Mass Meeting is a success. Many thanks to those YCRC members who have volunteered to make this 2014 Mass Meeting possible!


I look forward to seeing you all at the York County Republican Mass Meeting on March 25th!


Have a wonderful day!


For God and Country,




Mrs. Lynda Fairman

Chairman, York County Republican Committee

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