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Matters of morality, hubris and willful circumvention of Virginia law were ignored and dismissed as "fluff" and "theatrics" as York County's Board of Supervisors roundly supported 3 proposals aimed at securing power by getting around recent Virginia House Bill 1089 that clarified the farms protection act and Senate Bill 51 which directly threatened the county government's power to approve or deny any and every county citizen their right to produce food on a case by case basis. The board members were intoxicated on the power given to them by county residents who so confused by local ordinances that they were panicked at the thought of loosing the ability to bully their neighbors for engaging in commerce without permission. Simply put, the proposals were to 1: amend the comprehensive plan; 2: create a new type of zone; and 3: to apply that zone to York Point. In the course of the meeting citizens each were allowed to make 3 minute statements regarding each of the 3 proposals. The remarks became almost heated at times with side comments occasionally being shared out of order between citizens with apposing views. Confusion abounded about the purpose of zoning laws being to regulate commerce rather then the burden of a land use on county infrastructure and the infringement on the rights of fellow land owners. But the proper purpose of such laws were completely lost on the supervisors themselves and all efforts to point them in the right direction were proven worthless as each member of the board took turns demonstrating their utter contempt for the truth and the citizens of York County. Only Mr. Hrichak was tempered enough to not vote in favor of the last of the 3 proposals while the others all made insulting remarks about the citizen speakers and each still insisting they needed this extra power in spite of admitted ambiguities. They even sited a need to reign in commercial enterprise to "protect citizens." I left the meeting before the vote on the supervisor's salary was completed. I could not take the chance of my head exploding. More links about the story:
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