Thursday, October 16, 2014

Exclusive moving screening of One Generation Away in Yorktown

Hello Family and Friends
Great news! You can now see  the world premiere of "One Generation Away" here on the Peninsula! "One Generation Away" is the riveting new documentary about the clash of worldviews and how our changing culture is eroding religious freedom here in America. It is a sobering wake up call to Christians and answers the question how we should respond to this suppression of our religious liberty Biblically. You may have heard about it on numerous national Christian and conservative talk shows or at one of the national conservative conferences and summits. Now we can see it here!
This is a must see film for all Christians, for all pastors, for all churches. Just this week we saw in the news that the mayor of Houston, Texas (who is a lesbian) issued an ordinance for pastors in Houston to turn over their sermons to her for review and also requested records of their phone and email conversations with one another. This was in retaliation for pastors standing up against her ordinance for Houston public restrooms and facilities to be gender neutral. This is just one example of unconstitutional actions against people of faith. The timing of this film could not be more critical.
Echolight Studios, a Dallas based Christian film company is bypassing the Hollywood censorship process and the millions of dollars usually required for releasing movies in theaters and instead are distributing their films directly to churches and Christian schools nationwide that partner as Echolight Cinema locations.  Summit Christian Academy on Big Bethel Road in Yorktown is the exclusive Echolight Cinema in our area. You cannot see this film anywhere else on the Peninsula.
  Currently there are 2 screenings scheduled, and seating is limited. You must purchase tickets in advance online, so get your tickets early to secure a seat.
The Senior Class at Summit Christian Academy will be serving as hosts and will be offering standard theater concessions prior to the movie starting.
Please click on the link for the movie event website to watch the trailer and for information on location, dates, showtimes, and ticket sales. Please share this with your church leadership, Sunday School, your family, friends, and social circles.
If you want to help promote it, let me know and I can get you some flyers and/or posters.
Most importantly, please share the trailer.  Please contact me if you have any questions!
Thanks so much and hope to see you at the movies!
God bless~
Event link:

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