Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Waltrip for House of Delegates

To Whom It May Concern:

My name is Brandon Waltrip and I am running for the 96th House of Delegates in November. The 96th District covers most of James-City County and parts of York-County. I would like an opportunity to share some of my platform and ideas at one of the Libertarian meetings in the future. 

Please contact me if you would allow me to do so. I hope to attend one of your meetings this summer regardless. Hope all is well, 


Brandon C. Waltrip

Attorney and Counselor at Law
Collins | Waltrip, PC
1307 Jamestown Road
Suite 201
Williamsburg, Virginia 23185
Phone: 757-645-9001
Fax:     757-752-8961

Follow Me on Twitter @JuryTRL

Notice: This email is from the law firm of Collins | Waltrip, PC, and is intended solely for the use of the individual(s) to whom it is addressed. If you believe you received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately, delete the email from your computer and do not copy or disclose it to anyone else. If you are not an existing client of Collins | Waltrip, PC, do not construe anything in this email to make you a client unless it contains specific statement(s) to that effect and do not disclose anything in reply that you expect to be held in confidence. If you properly received this email as a client, co-counsel, or retained expert of this firm, you should maintain its contents in confidence in order to preserve the attorney-client or work product privilege that may be available to protect confidentiality. 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Notification: York Board of Zoning Subdivision Appeals @ Thu Jun 25, 2015 7pm - 8pm (PeninsulaTeaParty.org)

York Board of Zoning Subdivision Appeals

York Hall
Thu Jun 25, 2015 7pm – 8pm Eastern Time
301 Main St., Yorktown VA (map)
Admin PeninsulaTeaParty.org - organizer
Robert Bruce Alexander - creator

Invitation from Google Calendar

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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Vote on Fast Track

Why are we not surprised?  
Once again Wittman voted to keep the Fast Track alive. Today he voted on the Rules vote that postpones the vote on Fast Track instead of letting it die today. The second time he has done that.   Does he honestly think we wouldn't notice ?????  
Now the vote on it can be any time until July 30 so proponents can work some more on the Nay voters and Boehner can call it up for the vote any time he wants – if he chooses in the middle of the night when only those for it know about it.
Congressman Rob Wittman
1317 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
H: 202-225-4261, Fax: 202-225-4382
Yorktown Office: 4904-B G. Washington Memorial Highway, Yorktown, VA 23692
Phone: 757-874-6687, Fax: 757-874-7164
Rappahannock Office: 508 Church Lane, Tappahannock, VA 22560
PH: 804-443-0668, Fax: 804-443-0671
Joe Schumacher, Assistant to Wittman: Joe.Schumacher@mail.house.gov
Sue Long
"Abide By The Constitution, Not Change It!"

Notification: York County Board of Supervisor's meeting @ Tue Jun 16, 2015 6pm - 8:30pm (PeninsulaTeaParty.org)

York County Board of Supervisor's meeting

Tue Jun 16, 2015 6pm – 8:30pm Eastern Time
301 Main St, Yorktown, VA 23690 (map)
Admin PeninsulaTeaParty.org - organizer
Robert Bruce Alexander - creator

Invitation from Google Calendar

You are receiving this email at the account admin@peninsulateaparty.org because you are subscribed for notifications on calendar PeninsulaTeaParty.org.

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Monday, June 15, 2015

A Concentrated 'Tea Party' Effort?

Greetings all!

Some of you have mentioned that Tea Party Patriots are orchestrating a drive to get folks out to protest Congresses exemption to Obamacare on June 17th.  (see more at http://www.teapartypatriots.org/

It's a worthwhile idea and if you are able to participate at the  Yorktown, Tappahannock or Fredericksburg Office of Rob Wittman, that would be great.

Truthfully, I am more concerned at the moment that our Congressman vote against the 'Obama Trade Deals' in which vintage Republicans are supporting the President. By now, one would think that any Congressman who buys the 'Let's pass it to see what's in it' and/or passing the bill without reading it SHOULD BE DRUMMED OUT OF OFFICE if not ridden out on a rail! For this effort, it is more important that we
Also leave messages via:
(WRITTEN LETTERS via USPS are no longer effective for timely issues since snailmail is sent to a hazmat / processing facility that delays the arrival of mail to Congressmen by WEEKS! )

Best wishes and thanks to all the folks who called and emailed last week. I would urge you to do it again! The Trade Deals & related bills did not fly last week but were kept alive to live another day, partially thanks to our own Congressman,  I don't have to tell you all the devious and deceptive ways politicians have devised to accomplish what they want without making it too obvious. Be watching BOTH of Congressman Wittman's hands!

 Sue Sherrill
Middle Peninsula Tea Party


Opportunity for ALL, favoritism for NONE!

Sunday, June 14, 2015


Fellow VPCCC Delegates: Reminder FYI – This is a super opportunity for great food fun and fellowship – Please pass to your memberships.
Thanks Clarence!!
Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2015 7:59 AM
Subject: Reminder

Good morning Folks,     


Could you send out that announcement about the Cruse-in at Lebanon Christian this Tuesday. There will be plenty to eat rain or shine.

Thanks & God Bless, Clarence

Friday, June 12, 2015

Status of Fast Track

There has been some confusion about the status of Fast Track for the trade pacts.
The vote today was in three parts.  The first was soundly defeated by over 100 votes.  It had to do with workers getting compensated if they lose their jobs as a result of the pacts.  The second one was about Fast Track and was passed by a small number of Yea votes – I  think maybe 8 or so.
Having lost on the first vote that should have ended the matter as the three votes were in a package and the whole thing would have been dead
but Boehner called for a revote ! 
So the matter is still pending.   They will vote on it again  -  as early as next Tuesday. I don't know if they will vote on all three or just the one that didn't pass.
As for Wittman's votes – he did vote Yea on the Rule vote which meant that it would go to the floor for a vote.   Enough Nays would have killed it.
But to his credit he did vote Nay on Fast Track.
We need to commend him for that and urge him to vote Nay again on any parts  whenever they come up for another  vote.  
Questions about the issue?   Ask me – or see the attachment.   

Congressman Rob Wittman

To contact him on line: https://forms.house.gov/wittman/webforms/webforms/issue_subscribe.htm
1317 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515

H:  202-225-4261, Fax: 202-225-4382
Yorktown Office:
401 Main Street,  P.O. Box 494, Yorktown, VA 23690

Phone: 757-874-6687, Fax: 757-874-7164

Rappahannock Office: 508 Church Lane, Tappahannock, VA 22560

PH: 804-443-0668, Fax: 804-443-0671

Joe Schumacher, Assistant to Wittman:  Joe.Schumacher@mail.house.gov

Sue Long
"Abide By The Constitution, Not Change It!"

Fwd: A REAL BETRAYAL from Rep. Rob Wittman on TPA & TAA

Friends - Once again Congressman Rob Wittman has deceived us! Please CALL NOW to tell Rob to VOTE NO on trade agreement issues today!  Yesterday he changed his vote on bills he said he would vote AGAINST! [See voting here:  https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/114-2015/h359]  Please pick up your phone and tell Congressman Wittman to keep his word and vote AGAINST all parts of the "ill-conceived" trade agreements!

Please read the email below, Sent to me at 8:15 p.m. Thurs. night:

You need to flood the phone lines and let Rep. Wittman know that he showed his real colors today.  This is very disappointing:

"McHenry found Rep.
Rob Wittman on a corner aisle and somehow convinced the Virginia Republican to flip his vote. When McHenry and Wittman finished their conversation, Wittman got up from his seat, walked to the speaker's dais shaking his head, and eventually took a green card to switch to a yes on the rule."
Roll Call June 12, 2015  "Trade Rule Passes Despite Conservative Mutiny"

Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2015 5:40 PM
Subject: NO to TPA, TAA, EX-Im, & NO Subsidies for Obama Care
Congressman Rob Wittman:
Two weeks ago on Wed. May 27th at a Lancaster dinner event, you looked me straight in the eyes and told me you opposed the ill conceived Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) for this President to be granted "fast track" authority to negotiate trade agreements for our country.  You also stated, looking me in the eyes, that you were also opposed to the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA). I took you at your word, as well, when you said you would not allow the Ex-Im Bank to be re-authorized.  I wrote to tell you we were proud of your stands on these issues. None of these are worthy of passage.
However, we again hear that,  guess who,  Speaker Boehner, is pressuring House members to vote for procedures and amendments to support this legislation that Pelosi and Obama want our Congress to approve "so we can all find out what's in the bill!"
Your constituents are fed up with this going along with the RINOS  and the Progressives, just to get further along down the 'road to serfdom.'  And how is that "We'll repeal and defund Obama Care" promise coming?  We also understand some of the House Republicans are not brave enough to stand up and let the Supreme Court (King vs. Burwell) to strike a devastating blow to Obamacare, but have plans to subsidize it.  We can not afford this! 
At that Wed. May 27 event, you told the crowd that the Republicans were prepared with health care alternatives, including one from retired Rep. Tom Price of GA. Well thought out alternatives that eliminate the mandates and reduce the cost of health care  would allow coverage for what people want, not what government dictates. Any law that is passed should extend to all citizens, with no exclusions. Opportunity for All- Favoritism to None!
We continue to watch how you are voting.
Lyn Neira,
Lancaster County


Opportunity for ALL, favoritism for NONE!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Lebanon Cruise-in

Fellow Hobbyists: Please consider the attached – As indicated it is a great opportunity for fun, food and fellowship!!!
VPCCC Delegates: Please pass to your memberships encouraging their participation – To-date, this opportunity has been largely supported by the Classic Cruisers with some support from the Mid Peninsula Classic Cruisers – This time we'd like to see more participation by other clubs – So again, please encourage participation – It is a great opportunity for all participants.
The church is a full fledged member of the VPCCC.
Good Luck Clarence!!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Notification: York Planning Commission Meeting @ Wed Jun 10, 2015 7pm - 8pm (PeninsulaTeaParty.org)

York Planning Commission Meeting

7:00 PM - 7:00 PM Planning Commission Meeting
York Hall, 301 Main Street, Yorktown (map)
The Planning Commission typically meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm.

For more information, call the Planning Division at 757-890-3404.

View Agenda here: http://www.yorkcounty.gov/Default.aspx?tabid=1715

Wed Jun 10, 2015 7pm – 8pm Eastern Time
301 Main Street, Yorktown, VA (map)
Admin PeninsulaTeaParty.org - organizer
Robert Bruce Alexander - creator

Invitation from Google Calendar

You are receiving this email at the account admin@peninsulateaparty.org because you are subscribed for notifications on calendar PeninsulaTeaParty.org.

To stop receiving these emails, please log in to https://www.google.com/calendar/ and change your notification settings for this calendar.

FOIA Subcommittee meeting agendas for June 17 & 18

Dear Members, Patrons, and Interested Parties:

Attached are agendas for the upcoming meetings of the FOIA Council Meetings and Records Subcommittees.  There is no specific agenda for the first meeting of the Proprietary Records Work Group, although the topic generally will be consideration of proprietary records and trade secrets exemptions found in § 2.2-3705.6 and elsewhere in FOIA.  

As a reminder, the Meetings Subcommittee will meet at 1:00 PM on Wednesday, June 17, 2015, the Records Subcommittee will meet at 10:00 AM on Thursday, June 18, 2015, and the Proprietary Records Work Group will meet at Thursday, 1:30 PM on June 18, 2015.  All of these meetings will be held in the Speaker's Conference Room, Sixth Floor, General Assembly Building, 201 N. 9th Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219.

Please do not hesitate to contact me (Alan) or Maria J.K. Everett, Executive Director, if you have any questions or need additional information.

Maria J.K. Everett, Executive Director and Senior Attorney
Alan Gernhardt, Staff Attorney
Virginia Freedom of Information Advisory Council

201 North 9th Street

Richmond, Virginia 23219

(804) 225-3056 or 1-866-448-4100 (toll free)

The staff of the Freedom of Information Advisory Council is authorized to issue advisory opinions. Please be advised that any staff advisory opinion delivered by e-mail is based solely upon the facts and information presented in your attached e-mail inquiry.

To unsubscribe from the FOIA-NOTICE list, click the following link:

Monday, June 8, 2015

Notification: York Co. Primary Elections @ Tue Jun 9, 2015 (PeninsulaTeaParty.org)

York Co. Primary Elections

June 9th Primary Elections. This is an election year for all 15 local government positions in York County. This includes the Board of Supervisors, School Board, Commonwealth Attorney, Sheriff, Treasurer, Commissioner of the Revenue and Clerk of the Court. Also, our state senators, delegates and the Soil and Water Directors will be up for election. Before the November 3rd General Election there will be a state-run primary on June 9th. Since the residents of Virginia do not register by political party as is the case in some states, the Primary on June 9th is open to all registered voters in York County. You will vote at the precinct listed on your voter registration card. The deadline to register to vote in the June 9th Primary was May 18th. You can verify your voter registration by going online to http://www.yorkcounty.gov and under “Government Services,” selecting “Voter Registration.” For additional information, call the Registrar’s Office at 890-3440 or visit the website, www.yorkcounty.gov/voting.
Tue Jun 9, 2015
Admin PeninsulaTeaParty.org - organizer
Robert Bruce Alexander - creator

Invitation from Google Calendar

You are receiving this email at the account admin@peninsulateaparty.org because you are subscribed for notifications on calendar PeninsulaTeaParty.org.

To stop receiving these emails, please log in to https://www.google.com/calendar/ and change your notification settings for this calendar.

Primary Vote on Tuesday June 9th

Dear Neighbors,


This is just a reminder that tomorrow June 9th is the primary leading up to the November 3 General Election.   Also, I want to remind you that citizens in the Commonwealth of Virginia do not register by political party and therefore, every registered voter can cast a vote in tomorrow’s primary.  This year the Commonwealth of Virginia will conduct only a Republican Party Primary Election.   You can cast your vote at the voting precinct listed on your voter registration card, which will be the same location as last November’s General Election.  The polls open at 6 a.m. and close promptly at 7 p.m.  To obtain information about your voting status, go to www.elections.virginia.gov.  When you reach the Department of Elections Webpage, click on the “Check Your Voter Information” banner.   If you would like to see a sample ballot for your precinct, go to www.yorkcounty.gov and in the middle of the page click on “June 9, 2015 Republican Primary,” then click on the sample ballot for your precinct. 


Rarely do I become involved with political endorsements.  However, this year I feel it is essential for the good of York County and the City of Poquoson to throw my full support behind Kristen Nelson for Clerk of the Circuit Court.   Kristen has 18 years of experience in the Clerk’s office, has served as a Deputy Clerk, and was appointed by three judges to serve as the Clerk of the Court when the previous Clerk resigned from office.   Kristen’s outstanding expertise in dealing with approximately 800 duties of the Clerk’s office has received praise from many prominent leader in our government to include the Commonwealth Attorney Ben Hahn, Sheriff Danny Diggs, and Delegate Gordon Helsel.


I strongly encourage you get out tomorrow and vote.  When you do, I recommend voting for Kristen Nelson for Clerk of Court.*




Tom Shepperd, Chairman

York County Board of Supervisors


Home (757) 868-8591

Mobile (757) 903-1875




*  The endorsement expressed in this email is mine along and has not been approved by any candidate for office other than myself.


Thank all of you for your prayers and the assistance you have given Rebekah!
WE still need poll workers, feel free to call me!   757-817-6948

We  blanketed district one with door hangers for the last two days!
I truly believe that we have him on the run!
Tomorrow Is the day we work for our County. 

NOW be a part of the election that will change the face of York County.
Tomorrow we win for our County!

In Victory



Ezekiel 22:30:

30 searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, so that I would not destroy it; but I found no one.

Saturday, June 6, 2015


We have THREE days left!!!!! ELECT Rebekah Sandridge 

It's time for us to band together, and get Rebekah elected!  I need you to distribute literature, make phone calls, and work the polls on the Election Day! Today's the day, we win back our County.

We made great progress today! But I NEED YOU, YORK COUNTY NEEDS YOU!
Call me! 757-817-6948.
We have door hangers! 

Call me to let me know who can walk, talk, and staff the poll!
CALL or email !

Thanks,  be a part of the election that will change the face of York County!

In Victory
Mary Leedom

Ezekiel 22:30:

30 searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, so that I would not destroy it; but I found no one.

Friday, June 5, 2015

The sovereignty of America is at stake

To those of you who are in the First Congressional District – or know someone who is, 
Even though Rob Wittman gave his assurance that he opposes the misnamed Trade Pacts, he is now waffling.  His recent letter on this  is the customary  overview of the  issue  but slanted to a pro viewpoint with reasons why trade is a good thing, and then ending with the standard  thank-you-for-writing and I-will-keep-your-views-in-mind.
Wouldn't you agree  that that translates to:   Never mind what I said, I am going to renege on my word and vote for it.
We need to send a barrage of messages and phone calls. This has little to do with trade.  It is about merging America into a regional government .    
The sovereignty of America is at stake.
See the sites below for talking points. 
Contact information: 

Washington, D.C. Office

2454 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Yorktown Office

401 Main Street
P.O. Box 494
Yorktown, VA 23690

Tappahannock Office

508 Church Lane
P.O. Box 3106
Tappahannock, VA 22560
Phone: (804) 443-0668Fax: (804) 443-0671
10 Reasons Why You Should Oppose TPP and TTIP
Though Republicans and big corporations are backing new transnational treaties, saying they'll enrich America, these treaties will do almost nothing but harm America.

Sue Long
"Abide By The Constitution, Not Change It!"


We have four days left!!!!!

It's time for us to band together, and get Rebekah elected!  I need you to distribute literature, make phone calls, and work the polls on the Election Day! Today's the day, we win back our County.

We will start tomorrow at ten, we can meet at the WAWA Penniman and 143. Call me if it's raining and we will work out a plan for later in the day and Sunday.

Call me to let me know who can walk, talk, and staff the poll!
Call or email  and  I will send you a call list!

Thanks,  be a part of the election that will change the face of York County!

In Victory
Mary Leedom

Ezekiel 22:30:

30 searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, so that I would not destroy it; but I found no one.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

The It List: Capturing the Light | French Tall Ship Hermione Visits Yorktown | MOCA Boardwalk Art Show | Mermaid Factory | Your Guide to the OBX

coastal virginia magazines' the it list events this week in hampton roads
(1) June 5: Capturing the Light Opening

Like the impressionists, artists have long been fascinated with exploring the impact of light. Its glow, its colors, its very essence. Come to The Artists Gallery, Virginia Beach to see how artists and photographers have interpreted light's varied meanings. The gala opening, sponsored by The Rudee Inlet Foundation, is 6:30-8:30 p.m. with free refreshments. Many participating artists will attend. Exhibit runs through July 5th...

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(2) June 5-7: French Tall Ship Hermione Visits Yorktown

Join us to welcome French Tall Ship Hermione on her maiden Atlantic crossing. This three-day event will include a variety of programs and events for the education and inspiration of the public; receptions and dinners, free public deck tours and ship events, a heritage village, traveling exhibit, Jamestown Settlement's Godspeed, interpretive programs, Virginia's Finest fair, entertainment and educational programs. 9 a.m.-7 p.m.

(3) June 18-21: MOCA's 60th Boardwalk Art Show

Come join us at the Virginia Beach Oceanfront between 19th Street and 33rd Street for a fun time with family and friends enjoying fine art from close to 300 artists from around the world, great food and live entertainment. Thursday, June 18 is the 60th Anniversary kick-off at 7 p.m. with live music by Vertical Horizon, brought to you by Catch 31 and Gold Key/PHR. On Friday, enjoy the Back Bay Brewing Garden with live music...

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(4) Mermaid Factory

Our mermaids and dolphins, handmade in Norfolk, are the ideal blank canvases to inspire your creativity. Paint your own today! We also have pre-made mermaids and dolphins that make great farewell gifts, gifts for visiting relatives or a memento of your time in Hampton Roads, plus a large selection of mermaid, dolphin and nautical gift themes. Our studio can accommodate up to 25 people. Email us today...

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(5) Heading to the OBX? Let us be your guide!

The Outer Banks Visitors Guide is available at over 400 locations on the Outer Banks. View our 2015 Virtual Book, and look for more vacation planning resources on  OuterBanks.com

(6) June 5-7: Norfolk Harborfest

For three memorable days, the Downtown Norfolk Waterfront transforms into an exciting playground for people of all ages. The historic waterfront festival...

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Win VIP tickets to Harborfest for Saturday!

The Waterfront VIP area features enhanced views of the main stage, a large hospitality tent with complimentary beverages, food and snacks, stand-up tables...

Enter to win!

Win tickets to the CoVa Beer Fest and Food Truck Rodeo June 20

Enjoy tastings from up to 20 Virginia craft brews, delicious food truck cuisine, live music from Nashville recording artist Mark...

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Elegant Smithfield Home

Elegant two-story home with lots of space, storage, gorgeous views and ready to move in condition. Custom built brick with magnificent... 

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