Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fwd: Crime Watch Notice Attempted Break-in

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Thomas Shepperd" <tgshep@cox.net>
Date: Apr 26, 2011 9:35 PM
Subject: Crime Watch Notice Attempted Break-in
To: "Thomas Shepperd" <tgshep@cox.net>

Dear Neighbors,


There was an attempted break-in on Tuesday in the Covertry neighorhood.  This attempt was of particular note because the homeowner was at home.  Lesson learned, answering the door might be preferable to a face to face meeting with an unwelcomed stranger in your house and a broken door.  See the Sheriff's Report below for details.  I will forward you the pictures upon request.





Tom Shepperd

District 5 Representative

York County Board of Supervisors


Home (757) 868-8591

Office (757) 240-5836

Mobile (757) 618-3335

Fax (757) 890-4082





----Crime Watch Notice-----


The York- Poquoson Sheriff's Office needs information on the following crimes.


On 04-26-11 at 10:49 AM two unknown black males suspects attempted to break into a residence located in the 100 block of Amelia Ct. in the Coventry area of York County. The suspects backed a late model light, colored Chevrolet 4 door into the driveway. One suspect stood by the open trunk while the other suspect knocked on the door. The homeowner looked out the window and when they did not recognize the person at the door they did not open it. After a couple more knocks the suspect kicked in the front door, but was startled when the homeowner was seen in the window on the second story. The suspects drove off from the area in a fast manner.


The attached photos were taken by the homeowner.   


If anyone has information on these crimes or any other crimes please call Crime Line at 1-888 LOCK-U-UP. 


1 comment:

  1. Now this is hghly recommeded post for me. I will surely email this to my friend.
