York County Arts Commission Seeks Applications for Grants
The York County Arts Commission invites all individuals and organizations to apply for grants in the arts that benefit the citizens of York County. Grant applications are available at the York County Parks and Recreation Office or on-line at www.yorkcounty.gov/parksandrec. The deadline for submissions is Friday, March 2, 2012.
Both project grant and challenge grant applications will be reviewed by the commission and funding recommendations will be made in spring 2012. Pending approval by the York County Board of Supervisors, funds will be appropriated in late summer during Fiscal Year 2013 (July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013).
The following criteria will be applied to each individual or organization to determine eligibility for a project grant:
- Not-for-profit and exempt from federal income tax under provisions of the internal revenue code.
- Produce, present, or support dance, literary arts, media arts, music, theater, museums, visual and related arts.
- Perform or offer activities/services in Williamsburg, James City County, or York County that also serve the citizens of York County.
- Performances, projects, or services are accessible to handicapped individuals and the public at-large.
- Performances, projects, or services not held in Williamsburg, James City County, or York County, which are deemed by the Commission to directly benefit the citizens of York County.
The York County Arts Commission is once again offering a challenge grant up to $500 to promote citizen awareness of local and regional arts groups by showcasing their talents at various sites in York County. The grant provides funding support to eligible individuals and organizations to create and present their work, to develop new programs, and to increase opportunities for visual and performing arts groups to promote interest in their organizations.
For more information, call the York County Parks and Recreation Office at 890-3500 or visit www.yorkcounty.gov/parksandrec.
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Shepperd, Noll new BOS Chairman and Vice Chairman
The York County Board of Supervisors elected District 5 Supervisor Thomas G. Shepperd as its new Chairman at its January 3, 2012, meeting. District 2 Supervisor Sheila S. Noll was elected Vice Chairman.
Mr. Shepperd is currently serving his third full term on the York County Board of Supervisors. He has previously served as Vice Chairman and Chairman of the Board. In addition to his duties as Chairman, Mr. Shepperd serves as Chairman of the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission and as York County's representative to the Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization and the Hampton Roads Military and Federal Facility Alliance. Prior to his election as District 5 Supervisor in 2001's special election, Mr. Shepperd served on York County's Planning Commission, Wetlands Board and Drainage Committee. Mr. Shepperd retired from the U.S. Air Force in 1998 with the rank of Colonel. Currently, Mr. Shepperd serves on the Victory Family YMCA Board of Management and has recently served as Chairman of the Chesapeake Bay District of the Boy Scouts of America.
Mrs. Noll is currently serving her fifth term on the York County Board of Supervisors. She also has previously served as Vice Chairman and Chairman of the Board. Ms. Noll has served on many regional committees and civic programs including the Peninsula Alliance for Economic Development and AARP Tax Counseling for the Elderly Program (and continues to serve as a volunteer tax preparer). Currently, Mrs. Noll serves as a gubernatorial appointee to the Local Government Advisory Committee to the Chesapeake Bay and as a member of the Transportation Committee of the Virginia Association of Counties, as well as other local and regional committees.
The York County Board of Supervisors meets the first and third Tuesday of every month (excluding the first Tuesdays in July and November). Meetings start at 6 p.m.
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