Greetings, Fellow Republicans!
As the current Chairman of the York County Republican Committee, I am required to recommend and submit names of Republicans who wish to be appointed Officers of Election for York County Precincts to work each Election Day inside the polls. The required qualifications and restrictions as posted by the State Board of Election are noted below:
Each individual recommended must be:
· a competent person, fully capable of maintaining neat, legible records and performing all required duties in a mature, pleasant and calm manner;
· of good moral character;
· a qualified voter of the precinct for which appointment is recommended but, in any case, a qualified voter of the Commonwealth; and
· willing to serve.
The Constitution of Virginia permits, but does not require, any government employee who does not hold an elective position and who is not the deputy or employee of an elected official to serve as an officer of election.
The electoral board, at its discretion, now may appoint officers of election for terms of one, two or three years. The term can vary from officer to officer.
è If you are a Republican and wish to be considered for this position, please reply to this email by Saturday, 18 January 2014, with the following information:
o Yes, I am a Republican and would like to be recommended for the position of York County Officer of Election.
Your Complete Name -
Complete Mailing Address -
Daytime phone # -
Evening phone # -
Your York County Voting Precinct (noted on your Voter Registration Card) -
Are you currently or have you ever been a York County Officer of Election?
If so, when?
Thanks so much, and have a wonderful evening!
For God and Country,
Lynda Fairman
Chairman, York County Republican Committee
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