York County leaders,
We should all be working together to make York County better!
However, l am surprised that you are not as embarrassed as l am that the York County govt has become the laughing-stock of local govts, political leaders throughout the state, business leaders, freedom loving citizens and many others as far away as China. Our government's "we-will-crush-any-opponent", "we can't-be-wrong", "everyone-must-obey-us", "we-are-right-even-when-we-are-wrong" style of govt is being exposed. Even Voice of America (which airs in China in Chinese) did a 30 minute segment making fun of York County (where America's freedom was won) last year.
Here are 3 examples just from yesterday:
1. In a meeting of 50-60 business leaders (HREDA Bd of Directors) that George H & I attended, we discussed the UNLIMITED business opportunities for unmanned aircraft in Va. But in York County, you guys barred any landing of any MANNED aircraft other than at airports... even med-i-vac helicopters to save someone's life! So how many business opportunities will be coming to the County for UN-manned aircraft?
2. Did you see the article in the Yorktown Crier about your latest over-the-top actions against environmentally friendly, job creating oyster farms? This is AFTER the state legislature voted 128-to-5 against your position.
3. Then John Stossel made fun of you guys while he ate a FORBIDDEN Oyster on camera for national TV yesterday. You can watch the entire segment along with a million other Americans next Thursday night on FOX Business News at 9:00pm.
And now you are going to the next over-the-top level by down-zoning 5000-7000 properties of the people you were elected to "serve"? It is time you reevaluate how you are making your decisions. Enough is enough. Let's kiss and make up and get on with our lives working beside each other to make York County a better place for everyone again that respects each others' differences & honors God given freedoms.
Anyone bcc'ed on this email can hit "reply all" and share your thoughts with the York County leaders if you wish to do so.
bcc: many concerned citizens in York County & other interested parties
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