Friday, December 7, 2012

Local historian to talk about the role of women during the Civil War


December 7, 2012
     The York County Historical Committee, in cooperation with the York County Civil War Sesquicentennial Committee, is proud to present the eighth and final lecture in its York County Civil War Lecture Series. The presentation will be held in the Board Room of York Hall, 301 Main Street, Yorktown, on Sunday, December 16, 2012 at 3 p.m. and is entitled, The Civil War – A Woman's Cause. The speaker is local historian and historical interpreter, Ms. Sharleen Leigh West-Carr. 
     During this presentation, Ms. West-Carr will provide insights into the role of women during the Civil War. She will also present information on clothing, infant care, mourning practices, and other roles that women were required to fulfill, or, out of necessity fulfilled, during the war and afterwards. Ms. West-Carr is currently the Chairman of the North-South Skirmish Association Costume Committee and makes Civil War period clothing. 
     The Historical Committee is honored to have presented this Civil War lecture series. Over the course of eight months, over 300 people attended the eight lectures which dealt with various aspects of the War.
     If you would like more information about this Civil War lecture series or you would like information on how you can volunteer with the Historical Committee or the Civil War Sesquicentennial Committee, please call 890-3508 or visit
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