Friday, November 30, 2012

County seeking applications for Social Services Board and Senior Center of York Board


November 30, 2012
     The York County Board of Supervisors is currently seeking applications from County citizens interested in serving on the York-Poquoson Social Services Board and the York County Senior Center Board. 
     The York-Poquoson Social Services Board is an administrative board that provides oversight for benefit and services programs for the citizens of York County and Poquoson. The Board is comprised of members from each jurisdiction. The Board meets the third Wednesday of each month at 9:00 a.m.
     The York County Senior Center Board works to identify programs and activities, raise funds, and provide support for county operations of the Senior Center of York. The Board is comprised of members from each jurisdiction. The Board meets the second Wednesday of each month at 10:00 a.m.
     York County citizens interested in applying for appointment to either board may obtain an application at the County Administrator's Office at 224 Ballard Street in Yorktown, or by calling 890-3320. Applications may also be obtained and filed by using the County website. Enter the County's website at, click on "On-Line Services," and then "Board Bank Application."

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December Observer Newsletter

The latest edition of the Observer Newsletter is available online.  Below is the direct link to the newsletter.  If for some reason you can not open the link.  Go to and click on the Senior Center of York link on the left side of the screen then scroll down and click the Observer Newsletter link.

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Link to Observer Newsletter

Senior Center of York
(757) 898-3807

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December 4, 2012, Agenda for the York County Board of Supervisors

Click on the link below to view the agenda for the December 4, 2012, Regular Meeting of the York County Board of Supervisors:


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Williamsburg Christmas Parade - 2012

Are you getting ready for the
Williamsburg Christmas Parade?
Are you going to be there?
With us?
Watching on the side with your blanket and hot cup of Java?
Need to know so we will be looking for you.

See you in the morning!!!!
Rufus & Angelina
(757) 254-8320

PS... Due to conflicts, the
PVWC Christmas Gathering
has been rescheduled one day to the right!
It is now scheduled to be
Sunday, 16 December
at the
Running Man Clubhouse
in Yorktown off Big Bethel Rd.
Details with map will follow later today.


From: RBurney []
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 4:30 PM
Subject: Williamsburg Christmas Parade - 2012

Good Day V-Dubbers!
This is just a reminder of Rachel's reminder concerning the
Williamsburg Christmas Parade
scheduled for
Saturday, 1 Dec 12!!!
Next Weekend!!!

If you are interested, our goal is to meet yall at
Hardee's in front on K-Mart within the
Kiln Creek/Village Square Shopping Center.
Hardee's is located on the corner of Victory Blvd and Kiln Creek Pkwy.
It is also located across the street from Ruby Tuesdays
and one block away from I-64.

Plans are to meet there between 6:15 and 6:30 am
and pull out as close to 6:30 as possible to
meet Rachel on time at
Harris Teeter on QuarterPath Rd off
Hwy 199 in Williamsburg
at or near 7:10am, wheels up by 7:15am.
That will allow us time to drive downtown and
prepare our vehicles for the parade.

It is highly recommend that you not
decorate your car until we reach the staging area.
This will guarantee that decorations do not fly off on the drive up.

If you will not be able to meet up at Harris Teeter
and plan on meeting us at the staging area, please note the following:
Check-in is at Blair Street at the Capitol.
(Our line-up will be given by Rachel soon.)
Be there before 8am or you may not be allowed in.

Please let me know if you will meet us there
so we can hold a spot for you....other than that,
once the parade rolls out, you will not be allowed to join us.

The usual parade route is attached.
Guidelines are simple...they are:
- Vehicles MUST be decorated with a Christmas theme
- No throwing or distributing of anything (including candy).

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call, text, or email me
or Rachel.
It was a great event last year and the year before.
And it's going to be a lot of fun again!



From: Rachel Scheitrum []
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2012 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: Williamsburg Christmas Parade

Good morning!

The Christmas parade is now only two weeks away! I haven't yet received the
official information, but that usually shows up right around Thanksgiving.
Please be thinking about whether or not you would like to participate! We
are limited to eight cars and they must be decorated! Waiting until we are
at the staging area in Colonial Williamsburg is highly recommended so that
decorations are not lost to the wind. More details to come!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 3:56 PM, Rachel Scheitrum <> wrote:
Good afternoon!

I just received an email stating that the application for the Christmas
parade is online. I am going to fill out the application and fax it in
within the next week.

I won't be able to make the September meeting due to a prior commitment, so
I am sending a quick email with the basic info and will fill you in more in

The date for this year's parade is Saturday, December 1 at 9am. We would
need to be checked in before 8am, but typically meet up in Williamsburg at
around 7:15, so this has not yet been an issue.

Cars must be decorated for Christmas. The theme is:
* "Lights, Camera, Christmas....Capturing the Season"
It is always a lot of fun! Please be thinking about whether or not you
would like to participate this year. We are limited to 8 cars. Air-cooled
are preferred, but we've had a nice mix of water-cooled in the past as well.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Elderberry Jam to perform; VDOT meeting at Bruton High School


Elderberry Jam to return for a performance
at the Gallery at York Hall on December 16
November 27, 2012   
     The Gallery at York Hall will host local musicians of Elderberry Jam including artist Sylvia Hunt on Sunday, December 16, from 1 to 3 p.m. playing holiday music, gospel and swing. The Elderberry Jam is a festive group of four to eight members playing acoustic string music and occasionally the dulcimer. 
     Musician Sylvia Hunt is also a participating artist at the Gallery at York Hall. Her work includes pottery and colonial soldiers.  
     The Gallery at York Hall is located at 301 Main Street in Historic Yorktown and is a cooperative effort between the Celebrate Yorktown Committee and York County. Hours are Tuesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Sundays from 1 to 4 p.m. through December 2012.   Admission is free.
     For more information, call the Gallery at York Hall at 890-4490 or visit for a complete listing of planned 2012-2013 exhibits.


Interstate 64 Peninsula Study meeting to be
held in York County's Bruton High School
November 27, 2012
     The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) have initiated a study of the I64 corridor from Richmond to Hampton. The study is intended to identify transportation needs within the corridor and evaluate the impact of proposed improvements. VDOT and FHWA are holding open forum citizen information meetings where members of the public can receive information from VDOT and FHWA representatives in an informal setting. In addition, this is an opportunity for members of the public to present suggestions about the I64 corridor that spans 75 miles from Richmond to Hampton.
     Meetings are scheduled for:
·         Bruton High School, 185 E. Rochambeau Drive, Williamsburg (in upper York County) on Tuesday, December 11, 2012, from 5 to 8 p.m.
·         City Center Conference Room, Fountain Plaza II, 700 Town Center Drive, Newport News on Wednesday, December 12, 2012, from 5 to 8 p.m.
·         VDOT Central Office Auditorium, 1221 E. Broad Street, Richmond, on Thursday, December 13, 2012, from 5 to 8 p.m. 
     York County urges residents to visit one of the open forums to gather information and to present perspective and opinions on this vital transportation corridor.

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Send free holiday cards to armed forces; Holiday Market and Toyland Parade


Send a FREE Holiday greeting card to a
Service Member or Veteran
November 27, 2012   
     On Friday, November 30, 2012, the York County Historical Committee will team up with the American Red Cross and Pitney Bowes Inc. to deliver holiday cheer and greetings to service members, their families and veterans throughout the holiday season.
     The public is invited to visit the Freight Shed on Water Street in Riverwalk Landing on Friday, November 30, from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm, to send a "touch of home" through holiday greeting cards that contain messages of cheer and appreciation. New, unused cards have been collected by the Historical Committee. Once signed, the Red Cross and Pitney Bowes will then screen cards for hazardous materials, sort and package the cards, and deliver them to military bases and hospitals, veteran's hospitals and other locations during the holidays. Pitney Bowes is donating all screening, packaging and shipping to the cause. This event coincides with the York County Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony that takes place adjacent to the Freight Shed that evening at 7:30 p.m.
     For the past five years the Coastal Virginia Region has participated in the Holiday Mail for Heroes Campaign. It only takes a few minutes of your time to sign a card to share your appreciation of the sacrifices our men and women in uniform make each day in service to our country. The American Red Cross serves and supports members of the military, veterans, and their families by providing emergency communications, educational resources, comfort and assistance each day. The Holiday Mail for Heroes program continues in the Red Cross tradition of service to those who serve.
     Last year, with the help of Pitney Bowes, hundreds of volunteers screened, sorted and packaged cards that were delivered to military bases, veteran and military hospitals across the U.S. and around the world.
     The York County Historical Committee is proud to play a part in the Holiday Mail for Heroes program and welcomes you to drop by, sign a card, and join us at the Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony. 
     For more information, call 757-890-3500 or visit


Market Days to conclude season with
Holiday Market and Toyland Parade on December 15
November 27, 2012   
     Yorktown Market Dayswill conclude its sixth season at Riverwalk Landing on Saturday, December 15, with the Holiday Market scheduled to run from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. and the Toyland Parade festivities from 1 to 3 p.m.
     Entertainment scheduled for Saturday, December 15, will be a combination of seasonal Christmas music tunes and favorites.
     The market also will feature over a dozen local artists who make jewelry, dog coats and beds, photography, stained glass, fabric art, acrylic paintings and collages, and wooden toys. For additional artist information, please e-mail Susan Powell at
     Limited space is still available if you would like to become a Yorktown Market Days vendor. Vendor information is available at or contact Don Willis, Market Manager, at 877-2933 or for more information. 
     York County and the Riverwalk Landing Business Association will present a day of fun activities and holiday cheer during the fifth annual "Toyland Parade," scheduled to take place on from 1 to 3 p.m. at Riverwalk Landing in Historic Yorktown.
     The highlight of the event will feature a holiday parade throughout Riverwalk Landing at 1:30 p.m., led by Santa and Mrs. Claus and The Fifes and Drums of York Town. 
     Children of all ages, adults and families are encouraged to take part in this festive holiday march. Participants are encouraged to decorate a stroller or wagon, dress in holiday-themed apparel, and put your seasonal spirit on display for everyone to see. Dogs that are dressed in holiday attire are welcome in the parade as well. Join the SEVA GRREAT Golden group and bring your golden to be part of their group in the parade and show your love and support of the breed. The parade will form and begin on the grass area in front of the Riverwalk Landing fountain.
     Kids and families can enjoy the following activities throughout the day:
     --Starting at 1 p.m. -
·         Watermen's Colonial Christmas Program including caroling, dancing, and games.
·         Listen to festive Holiday music
·         Children's Holiday Arts and Crafts booth  
·         Visit with Mrs. Claus and Santa's Helpers 
·         Face Painting (in the breezeway next to Patriot Tours & Provisions)
     --1:30 p.m. - Toyland Parade throughout Riverwalk Landing
     --Immediately Following the Parade (Approximately 2 p.m.) -
·         Colonial Christmas Program and games continue
·         Children's Holiday Arts and Crafts booth continue
·         Daisy the Elf Storytelling Show (in the courtyard by River Fruit Tropical Wines)
·         Ride the "Riverwalk Landing Polar Express" Train
·         Mingle with Santa Claus and Santa's Helpers
·         Face Painting (in the breezeway next to Patriot Tours & Provisions)
     For more information on this event please call York County Parks and Recreation at (757) 890-3500 or visit No rain dates are scheduled for the Market Days. In the event of adverse weather conditions, please call the event weather hotline at 890-3520 for the most current information.
     Free parkingis available in several public parking areas throughout Historic Yorktown including the Riverwalk Landing parking terrace, York Hall, the County Administration Center and the York-Poquoson Courthouse Complex. 
     Yorktown Market Days and the Toyland Parade are presented by the Riverwalk Landing Business Association and York County. Special thanks to the market founding sponsor 1st Advantage Federal Credit Union and additional market sponsors Saude Creek Vineyards, Nelson's Grant and Farm Bureau Insurance for their continued support. The market is scheduled to return for the 2013 season on May 11.  Please refer to for a schedule.

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FW: Civil War is Coming !! please read

Dear Bob and Dick, Rob, et al (Mary, I expect you to relay this to Rob immediately):


Will you fellows (and lady) PLEASE check this out? This will, if true, indeed spark bloodshed and civil war. I’ll be damned if I’ll allow anyone to confiscate my private property, especially my guns and ammo, especially by authority of the United Nations!!! This is because outright slavery will surely follow! This would be the last straw to finally spark armed revolt by the people with violence and bloodshed! Militias will organize immediately. I know this will happen by the people I know personally!


The President of the United States is betraying us. He is a traitor! That’s my opinion and shall exercise my right to say so, and stand by it. The Congress is failing us by every means imaginable! The Supreme Court has abandoned their very Constitutional purpose! Where else are we to go? Our entire system of federal central government is collapsing before our eyes! If the states do not stand up and protect us from the monster in Washington which they created, then defending our rights as the people is left only to us … the people!


It’s 1776 all lover again!


Let’s begin by immediately verifying if this is factual and true before reacting. If not, we stand down but remain alert. But if true, then react we must! I expect all of you to do your duty and find out! Lord help any elected official who supports and/or votes for this. 



Mike Prunty


Founder and President

The American Freedom Project

Yorktown, Virginia

Cell: (757) 329-6879


    > > WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States reversed policy on
> > Wednesday and said it would back launching talks on a treaty to
> > regulate arms sales as long as the talks operated by consensus, a
> > stance critics said gave every nation a veto. The decision,
> > announced in a statement released by the U.S. State Department,
> > overturns the position of former President George W. Bush's
> > administration, which had opposed such a treaty on the grounds that
> > national controls were better. On Wednesday Obama Took the First
> > Major Step in a Plan to Ban All Firearms in the United States.
> > The Obama administration intends to force gun control and a complete
> > ban on all weapons for US citizens through the signing of
> > international treaties with foreign nations. By signing
> > international treaties on gun control, the Obama administration can
> > use the US State Department to bypass the normal legislative process
> > in Congress. Once the US Government signs these international
> > treaties, all US citizens will be subject to those gun laws created
> > by foreign governments. These are laws that have been developed and
> > promoted by organizations such as the United Nations and individuals
> > such as George Soros and Michael Bloomberg. The laws are designed
> > and intended to lead to the complete ban and confiscation of all
> > firearms.  The Obama administration is attempting to use tactics and
> > methods of gun control that will inflict major damage to our 2nd
> > Amendment before US citizens even understand what has happened.
> > Obama can appear before the public and tell them that he does not
> > intend to pursue any legislation (in the United States) that will
> > lead to new gun control laws, while cloaked in secrecy, his
> > Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, is committing the US to
> > international treaties and foreign gun control laws.
> > What it means is that there will be no publicized gun control
> > debates in the media or votes in Congress.
> > We will wake up one morning and find that the United States has
> > signed a treaty that prohibits firearm and ammunition manufacturers
> > from selling to the American public.
> > We will wake up another morning and find that the US has signed a
> > treaty that prohibits any transfer of firearm ownership. And then,
> > we will wake up yet another morning and find that the US has signed
> > a treaty that requires US citizens to deliver any firearm they own
> > to the local government collection and destruction center or face
> > imprisonment. This is not a joke nor a false warning. As sure as
> > government health care has been forced on us by the Obama
> > administration, so will gun control. Please forward this message to
> > others who may be concerned about the direction in which our country
> > is headed. ... We are being led like a lamb to the slaughter house.  


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Monday, November 26, 2012

Senior Center of York Announces December Events


November 26, 2012   
       A variety of educational and entertaining programs are being offered at the Senior Center of York in December. Participation is open to seniors age 55 or better and their spouses, regardless of age. The Center is located in the Washington Square Shopping Center at 5314 George Washington Memorial Highway (Rte. 17), and is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  The Center is closed all county holidays. Reservations are required for all sessions and are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.  To register, stop by the Center or call 898-3807.  For more information, please visit
            Canned Goods Donations now through December 14. Please bring current canned goods items to the Senior Center of York by December 14 to help support the York County Church Women United Emergency Food Closet.
            2012 Senior Center Art Exhibit at the Gallery at York Hall, now through December 17. Visit the Gallery at York Hall located on Main Street in Yorktown to see the delightful displays and exhibits of the Senior Center's crafters. The Gallery at York Hall is located on Main Street in Yorktown.
            AARP Driver Safety Program, December 3 and 4.  This program is designed for drivers age 50 or better, and will take place on Monday, December 3, from 12:30 to 4:45 p.m. and Tuesday, December 4, from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. The cost for this two-day program is $12 for members of AARP and $14 for non-members.  Fees should be paid by check and made out to AARP. Class registration may be made in person at the Senior Center, by phone, or by mail.  Note: AARP membership, which cannot be processed the day of a class, is not required for class registration. There is no "behind the wheel" driving performed in this program.  Drivers age 55 or better must attend both classes to receive the state mandated three-year automobile insurance reduction. Many insurance companies are giving insurance reductions to drivers age 50+ with the same attendance requirements. Those less than age 55 should check with their insurance company to see if they are entitled to the three-year insurance reduction. Class enrollment is limited to 25.
            Breakfast, Tree-Trimming, and Singing, Tuesday, December 4.  Please register by December 3 for this event.  In preparing for the season, come enjoy a Hardee's biscuit with us at 9:30 a.m. and help us decorate the Center's tree.  Then enjoy a lively and festive concert by Seaford Elementary School Choir at 10:30 a.m. 
            Senior Center of York Holiday Luncheon, Friday, December 7 at 11 a.m.  Registration for this popular event closes December 3 or when space is filled. So sign up now to join us for a merry time with good friends, food, and music.  Luncheon festivities will kick off with a musical performance by the Center's Matinee Idlers with the meal to follow. The menu will include spaghetti with meatballs, Caesar salad, breadsticks, dessert, and beverage.  The fee will be $3 and should be paid at the time of registration.  Please bring in current canned goods to support the York County Church Women United Emergency Food Closet.
            Scrapbooking and Christmas Gift Tags, Monday, December 10 from 9 a.m to 12 noon.    Join us as Cathy Fowler of Creative Memories shows how to make festive gift tags and assists you with your scrapbook. You can also enjoy using the Cricut which helps to design your cards. These cards, tags, and your personalized scrapbook create lasting memories and make wonderful gifts for your loved ones.  Note: Please limit to four cards.          
           Santa and Caroling, Friday, December 14 at 1 p.m. Come celebrate the season with music from Crossroads Community Church, and enjoy a visit from Santa. Feel free to bring your children, grandchildren, or great grandchildren and pose for pictures with Santa. Light refreshments will be served. Please register by December 13.
            Making Bows, Monday, December 17 from 11 a.m. to 12 noon. Learn to make simple, beautiful bows for your holiday gift wrapping with Facilitator Barbara Wood. Please register at the front desk by December 13 so materials can be purchased for this event. Space is limited.  
      Monday Movie, Monday, December 17 at 1 p.m. The York County Library and the Senior Center of York will present "White Christmas." Featuring the Irving Berlin song, "White Christmas," this 1954 American musical classic stars Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, and Rosemary Clooney. While serving in the army in WWII, two buddies meet and end up joining musical forces singing and dancing on Broadway.  Popcorn and beverage served.
            Dinner and Celebration of Lights Holiday Trip, Monday, December 17. Join us for a "dutch treat" dinner trip to a local restaurant and a ride through the two-mile Festival of Lights display at Newport News Park. The bus will depart the Senior Center at 4 p.m. Bus seating is limited, but you can drive yourself and we can provide the tickets to enter the lights display. To register call the Senior Center at 898-3807 by December 14.
            Computer General Use. The computers are available for general use Monday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. unless the lab is reserved for programmed activities. To use the computers you must sign in at the Senior Center front desk. Please note computer classes will be in session on Tuesdays. Feel free to call us at 898-3807 for more information and on space availability for upcoming computer classes.
            Calling Veterans! If you served in WWII and would be willing to be a part of a panel discussion to share your experiences at one of our Culture Days, please drop by our front desk and complete a brief form. Thank you!
      Sign up now for next Body Recall Exercise Session, January 7 – March 22! We are taking registrations for Body Recall, an invigorating group exercise and life-time fitness program with Instructor Domenica Jernigan. This exercise and educational program helps with balance, strength, muscle control and coordination. Classes are scheduled to begin Monday, January 7 through March 22 and meet 3 times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Class sessions are as follows: 9 a.m., 10 a.m., and 11 a.m. The cost for this 10-week session is $60. For more information regarding Body Recall, please call 898-3807.
            Holiday Closures: For the holidays, the Senior Center of York will be CLOSED on December 24, December 25, December 31, and January 1, 2013. The Dining Club will be closed December 20 through January 1, 2012 and will reopen January 2, 2012.
            Inclement Weather? Check out the Senior Center's hotline 890-3516 for information on emergencies, closings and or delays due to inclement weather.

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Reminder: York Board of Zoning Subdivision Appeals @ Thu Nov 22 7pm - 8pm (

York Board of Zoning Subdivision Appeals

York Hall
Thu Nov 22 7pm – 8pm Eastern Time
301 Main St., Yorktown VA (map)
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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Reminder: York County Board of Supervisor's meeting @ Tue Nov 20 6pm - 8:30pm (

York County Board of Supervisor's meeting

Tue Nov 20 6pm – 8:30pm Eastern Time
301 Main St, Yorktown, VA 23690 (map)
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7th Annual Christmas Market on Main to be held Saturday, December 1

November 20, 2012
     Yorktown announces the 7th Annual Yorktown Christmas Market on Main Street, to be held Saturday, December 1, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
     Located on historic Main Street, the Christmas Market will feature arts and crafts vendors with unique shopping opportunities, living history exhibits, strolling musical entertainment, classic cars, chef demonstrations, roasted chestnuts, food and more. Historic buildings and museums, including the Custom House, Yorktown Victory Center, Yorktown Battlefield, the York County Historical Museum, the Gallery at York Hall and Grace Episcopal Church will be open and decorated for the holidays.
The Town Crierwill ring in the market at 10 a.m., followed by a performance of The Fifes and Drums of York Townto officially open the market.
     Santa Clauswill greet folks along Main Street from 10 to 11 a.m. and again from 1 to 2 p.m. Strolling entertainment begins on Main Street at 10:30 a.m.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Have Breakfast with Santa on December 8


November 15, 2012
     Breakfast with Santa will take place on Saturday, Dec. 8,at 8:30 a.m. at Riverwalk Restaurant in Historic Yorktown. 
     Kids and families of all ages can enjoy a kid-friendly breakfast, visit with Santa to discuss their Christmas wish lists, interact with Santa's helpers, sing-along with roaming carolers, and enjoy story time with Mrs. Claus. Don't forget to bring your cameras to capture this unique holiday moment. Tickets are $17.95 per person (children age two and under are free).
     Tickets are available now. Purchase tickets in person at Riverwalk Restaurant or with a credit card by calling 875-1522. This holiday event has limited seating and may fill up quickly.  
     Riverwalk Restaurant at Riverwalk Landing is located on the Yorktown waterfront at 323 Water Street. For more information on this event please call 875-1522 or visit This event is jointly sponsored by York County and Riverwalk Restaurant.

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How to have a safe holiday

November 15, 2012
     The holiday season is upon us again, which means many of us are scrambling to decorate and tidy our homes for get-togethers with families and friends for holiday celebrations. It also means more cooking, home decorating, entertaining, and an increased risk of fire due to heating equipment. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):
·         U.S. fire departments responded to an estimated annual average of 240 home structure fires that began with Christmas trees in 2005-2009. These fires caused an annual average of 13 civilian fire deaths, 27 civilian fire injuries and $16.7 million in direct property damage.

Friday, November 16, 2012

A Letter

            There is great finger pointing and critique within the Republican Party regarding the reason for the 6 November loss. Pundits say that the party must reach out more to minorities, women and Hispanics.

            The Democratic Party won the election by dividing the electorate into multiple constituent groups, courted the voter and encouraged them to vote. Those opposed to the reelection of the President did not rally to the challenger who spoke to the nation as a whole. 58% of the registered voters did not vote to reelect the President.

            It is not in the best interest of the nation to have both of the political parties competing for votes in politically divided constituent groups. We the people end up paying for the most expensive offer regardless of the winner.

            We have violated the underlying political premise of the Constitution. The debate was not intended to be centered on the application of Federal Government gratuities to particular special interest groups. It was intended that the competition be between the role of the Federal Government and the role of the several Sovereign States.

            The two political parties, for their own self- interest, have created an Oligarchy in Washington disinterested in the concerns of the people. If those concerned about the oppressive Federal Government seek to correct the problem by competing in the same "Banana Republic" tactics which prevailed on 6 November, we will certainly become a "Banana Republic".

            The leadership of the Republican Party, long Hamilton's champion of a strong Federal Government, does not want to lose their national standing. But, if we wish to save the Republic, and the Republican Party save itself, it must accept its loss as the advocate of the Federal Government and pick up the Jeffersonian mantle of the Sovereign States. The contest is then returned to its proper setting, between the role of the Federal Government and the role of the Sovereign States in governing.

            A reminder to the Republican leadership, do not forget your 1857 roots.


Bob Dewey


Thanksgiving Holiday trash/recycling schedule

In observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday, garbage collection normally scheduled for Thursday, November 22 will be collected on Friday, November 23. Garbage collection normally scheduled for Friday, November 23 will be collected on Saturday, November 24.

Reycling collection normally scheduled for Thursday, November 22 will be collected on Saturday, November 24. Friday's recycling collection will be picked up on the normal scheduled day.

Please make sure trash containers and recycling bins are at the curb by 7am to ensure collection.

Administrative offices will be closed on Thursday, November 22. This includes all operations at the waste management center, recycling center, transfer station, citizen drop-off and the VPPSA compost facility.All operations will resume on Friday, November 23. The administrative offices will resume regular hours on Monday, November 26.

Have a safe holiday!


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A Note about Twinkies

            Now let's see. We have allowed the intellectual, corporate, union and political oligarchy to become so integrated and powerful with total disregard for the non-oligarchial members of the nation that non-government union members can reject a private sector corporate pay and benefit offer and force "We the people" to pay them better being on welfare than they could get employed. They elected to become unemployed and we must pay!!! What a deal.

            Did Atlas twitch? No more Twinkies. Why must I pay for a self-inflected unemployment?



Bob Dewey


Fry your turkey with care

November 15, 2012
According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), between 2005 and 2009, U.S. fire departments responded to an average of 900 home structure fires per year in which a deep fryer was involved in ignition.  These fires caused an annual average of 30 civilian injuries, and $14 million in direct property damage per year.  During the same period, these incidents accounted for 1% of the reported home fires involving cooking equipment, 1% of the associated civilian injuries, and 2% of the direct property damage from cooking equipment fires.  No deaths associated with fires involving deep fryers were reported during this period.

Holiday events in historic Yorktown


November 15, 2012
Historic Yorktown will be full of holiday cheer Friday, Nov. 30 through Sunday, Dec. 2, as it kicks off the holiday season with four special events: a Christmas Tree Lighting, Christmas Market on Historic Main Street, Lighted Boat Parade and Cookies with Santa.
     The weekend begins the evening of Friday, Nov. 30, with the annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony. Guests will be entertained by the Mt. Vernon Mustang Chorus with seasonal selections at the Yorktown Victory Monument from 6:30 to 7:10 p.m., followed by a performance of The Fifes & Drums of York Town. 
     The Procession of Lights, led by the Town Crier and the Fifes & Drums, will step off from the Victory Monument at 7:30 p.m. and proceed down historic Main Street to Ballard Street, then down the hill to Riverwalk Landing where the official tree lighting ceremony begins. Participants are encouraged to gather at the Yorktown Victory Monument by 6:30 p.m. The tree lighting ceremony at Riverwalk Landing includes holiday music by the U.S Fleet Forces Band Brass Quintetat 7 p.m., and a visit from Santa Claus until 8:30 p.m. This event is freeand sponsored by the York County Historical Committee. 
     The excitement continues Saturday, December 1 with the 7th Annual Christmas Market on Main Street.  From 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., visitors can enjoy musical entertainment, demonstrations, arts & crafts vendors with unique shopping opportunities, living history exhibits, classic cars, roasted chestnuts, food and more.  Historic buildings and museums, including the Custom House, Yorktown Victory Center, Yorktown Battlefield, the York County Historical Museum, and the Gallery at York Hall will be open and decorated for the holidays.
     The Town Crier will ring in the market at 10 a.m., followed by a performance of The Fifes and Drums of York Town to officially open the market. Main Street entertainment begins at 10:30 a.m. with strolling instrumental ensembles, caroling and holiday arrangements, concluding at 3 p.m. Don't miss Santa and Mrs. Claus visiting children young and old throughout Yorktown. 
     Living history exhibits and interpreters will include The Civil War Belles of Dixie, the 1st Regiment of the Virginia Volunteers of the North-South Skirmish Association, and the York Privateers of the Watermen's Museum. Classic cars will be on display along Historic Main Street and the Peninsula Model Railroad Club will present an exhibit of antique model trains in the lower level of York Hall. The Christmas Market is co-sponsored by the York County Historical Museum and York County. 
     Waterfront events begin at 6 p.m. with complimentary hot cider served by Boy Scout Troop 123 of Seaford. Musical performances by the Yorktown Chorale and The Fifes and Drums of York Town are presented in the glow of a beach bonfire while awaiting the magnificent parade of lights. Parade judging of the dazzling display begins at 7 p.m. Join the festivities as you cheer for your favorite! As an added safety precaution, families are encouraged to bring flashlights to assist in navigation around town at night. This event is free and is sponsored by the Yorktown Lighted Boat Parade Committee and Wormley Creek Marina. 
     On Sunday, Dec. 2, from 1 to 4 p.m., the Gallery at York Hall will feature Cookies with Santa. Children and parents of all ages can visit with Santa and do some holiday shopping. Parents are encouraged to bring your cameras to capture the children's excitement! Refreshments will be available. This event is freeand is sponsored by the Celebrate Yorktown Committee. Artwork featured in TheGallery at York Hall is available for purchase and will make the perfect holiday gift. The Gallery showcases fine arts in all media by local artists and features selected artists on a revolving basis. For information on exhibits, call the Gallery at York Hall at 890-4490.
     Public parking will be available at the Riverwalk Landing parking terrace on Water Street, York Hall (with the exception of Friday night), County Administration Building and Courts and Offices parking lots on Ballard Street. Additional handicapped parking will be available Friday, Nov. 30 on the lower level of the Riverwalk Landing parking terrace. To access the handicapped parking area, enter Yorktown from the west side of US 17 to Water Street and proceed to the parking terrace. 
     Yorktown Trolley transportation will be provided on Saturday, Dec. 1, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The trolley will run its normal route stopping at several locations throughout town. The Yorktown Trolley is handicapped accessible.  
     No rain dates are scheduled for the holiday weekend events. In the event weather conditions pose a threat, please call the York County event weather hotline for the most current information at 890-3520. For directions to Yorktown and a more detailed schedule of events, visit Specific inquiries may be addressed by calling 890-3500. 

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Sylvia Hunt to perform; NASA Langley Skywatchers Club; Birding at New Quarter


November 14, 2012
     The Gallery at York Hall will host local musician Sylvia Hunt of Elderberry Jam on Sunday, November 25, from 1 to 4 p.m. playing three hours of holiday music. The Elderberry Jam is a fun group of four to eight ladies playing acoustic string music and occasionally the dulcimer. 
     Musician Sylvia Hunt is also a participating artist at the Gallery at York Hall. Her work includes pottery and colonial soldiers.  
     The Gallery at York Hall is located at 301 Main Street in Historic Yorktown and is a cooperative effort between the Celebrate Yorktown Committee and York County. Hours are Tuesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Sundays from 1 to 4 p.m. through December 2012.   Admission is free.
     For more information, call the Gallery at York Hall at 890-4490 or visit for a complete listing of planned 2012-2013 exhibits.
November 15, 2012
     Looking for an astronomically good time?  Join the NASA Langley Exchange Skywaters Astronomy Club at New Quarter Park on Saturday, November 24, to view the Moon, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and a "Double Star Cluster."  Club members will set up their telescopes from 6 to 9 p.m.  The public is invited to view celestial objects through the Club's equipment (please do not bring personal telescopes) and talk to the club members about these galactic beauties.
     New Quarter Park is located at 1000 Lakeshead Drive between the Queens Lake neighborhood and Cheatham Annex.  Follow this road into the Park.  Please dim your vehicle lights when approaching the sky watching area.  Call 890-5840 for additional information or in case of inclement weather.
November 15, 2012
     Join members of the Williamsburg Bird Club at New Quarter Park for a Thanksgiving weekend bird walk.  Bring out-of-town guests and enjoy the fall walk to be led by Bill Williams, Bird Club member and director of education with the William and Mary Center for Conservation Biology.  The walk begins at 7 a.m. in the parking lot.  Binoculars and guides are available to borrow from the park office.  Bird lovers will walk to Queens Cree, to see waterfowl and birds of prey and then through the woodlands and into a meadow to see songbirds.  The group usually sees 25 to 45 species.
     New Quarter Park is located in upper York County at 1000 Lakeshead Drive, next to the Queens Lake neighborhood.  For more information, call York County Parks and Recreation at 890-3500 or New Quarter Park at 890-5840.

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

York County Board of Supervisors' Meeting Agenda


Click on the link below to view the November 20, 2012, Regular Meeting Agenda of the York County Board of Supervisors.
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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fw: check presentation to CHKD @ Peninsula Health Center

Fellow Hobbyists: For your consideration.
Thanks Hal!
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2012 9:40 AM
Subject: RE: check presentation to CHKD @ Peninsula Health Center

We are   planning  to do the   check presentation to CHKD from the funds raised at the 10th Annual  Va Fall Classic Car Show & Charity Events. This will be held at  the Peninsula Health Center   on Nov 14th at 6:30 pm ...  (remember it's behind the Omni Hotel off J. Clyde Morris/Rt 17). We will hold a brief  program followed by a short tour of those wishing to see the facility.


CHKD's Peninsula Health Center   is located at  11783 Rock Landing Drive , Newport News, Va 23606 


Click on the following link for directions …

11783 Rock Landing Drive, Newport News, Virginia 23606


Thanks,  Hal
Past Chairman of Va Fall Classic
President of Va Peninsula Car Club Council

 "It is amazing what you can accomplish if you don't care who gets the credit!" Harry S. Truman

Harold D. Hartel
100 Kayla Court
Yorktown, Va. 23693


A Letter

            I have for the past year or so been raising the issue of the 17th Amendment. To present the issue in a manner that allows proper understanding of the Amendment and the consequences, I must ask your forbearance and allow a longer letter.  


            Article I, Section 3 of the Constitution reads:

"The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each state, chosen by the Legislature thereof for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote."

            Amendment XVII in part reads:

"The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote."


The Founders regarded the election of Senators by the states' legislatures to be a check against an expanding federal government.  The Senate then provided formal bicameralism, with the members of The Senate and the House given two completely distinct constituencies; this was intended to defeat the problem of the federal government succumbing to "special interests".

As should be unfortunately expected in all human endeavors, State legislatures in several States "gamed" the system and used political party allegiance to structure legislative districts to favor Republicans over Democrats. In 1916, three years after the ratification of the 17th Amendment, the Supreme Court applied the "one person, one vote" provision inferred in the 14th Amendment to the election of State legislatures to stop this abuse.

The turn of the twentieth century was the age of the Modern Progressive Movement which was seeking to expand the role of the Federal Government. The Southern Democratic Party which had constituted the Confederacy and advocacy for State's Rights had been defeated by the Republican Federal government at Appomattox. The Northern Democratic Party and substantial elements of the Southern Democratic Party moved away from State's Rights and moved to compete for power in the central government. The last vestiges of the Old Sothern "State's Rights" Democratic Party died with the Dixiecrats in 1948. From then on, the concept of the sovereign states being a counter-balance to the central government was extinguished.


The consequences today

While the change to direct election of Senators by the citizens of the several states would seem a good thing, it also allows the national political parties to directly fund and influence the party's candidate. The interests of the citizens of the several states then became secondary to the "special interests" and money of the respective national political parties.

This change in governance can be seen by the creation of Senate Majority and Minority Leaders in 1917. The Senate now responded to the political allegiances of the respective political party and not to the citizens of the several states. We now address the balance of power between Republicans and Democrats in the Senate as we do in the House. The interests of the states are not relevant.

The Federal Government was designed to have three separate but equal branches and each able to check the other. A Congress was to debate the will of the people. An Executive Branch was to execute that will, and a Judiciary was to resolve the Constitutionality of legislation. Within the Congress, the House was the advocate for the central government and the Senate the advocate for the Sovereign States.

With the ratification of the 17th Amendment, we allowed the conditions we have today. With the President, as leader of the Democratic Party, and the Senate controlled by the Democratic Party, the intended equal stature between the three branches of government has been breached and half of the Congress and the Executive Branch act as one. This relationship creates another serious problem with regard to selection of new members of the Supreme Court, appointment of Cabinet level officials and Ambassadors and ratification of Treaties. The President, as he essentially controls the actions of the Senate, therefore does not nominate Justices and the like but appoints them.

The ratification of the 17th Amendment ended the nation, Of the people, By the people and For the people. We now have in the name of the President what the Founders feared, a King.


Bob Dewey
