Friday, February 8, 2013

New Quarter Park Annoucnes Upcoming "Saturdays in the Park" programs


February 8, 2013
     A line-up of fun and informative programs will highlight the many ways visitors can explore the great outdoors this year at New Quarter Park. Expert guides will lead wildlife watching, geocaching, bluebird monitoring, disc golfing, and other adventures. Unless otherwise noted below, all programs start at 10 a.m. and end at 12 p.m. in the picnic shelter area closest to the parking lot and park office.
     Programming kicks off on February 16 when park interpreter Sara Lewis leads a three mile hike around the park's nine hiking loops with stops at information signs along the way that describe nature and history unique to the park. A list of this and other programs to be offered through June appears below.
February 16 – Discover Our Trails – Sara Lewis, New Quarter Park Interpreter
     Join a hike and learn more about the many historical and natural features that make the park so special.
March 9 – Disc Golf Clinic: All You Ever Wanted to Know About Disc Golf and More – John Roy and Friends
     Similar to golf, the object of disc golf is to complete each hole in as few throws – or strokes – as possible. Spend some time with our professional golfers to learn the rules and try your hand at the game.
March 23 – Citizen Science: Observing and Monitoring Bluebirds – Lois Ullman & Jan Lockwood, Certified Virginia Master Naturalists, Historic Rivers Chapter
     Master Naturalists use New Quarter Park as their laboratory for several Citizen Science projects including the maintenance and monitoring of a Bluebird Trail. Meet Master Naturalists in Shelter #1. In case of inclement weather, the talk will be held at Griffin-Yeates Center, 1490 Government Road.
April 6 – Flora Foray: Celebrating the Publication of the Flora of VirginiaDonna Ware
     The curator emeritus of the College of William and Mary herbarium and Flora of Virginia project member will discuss Flora of Virginia, the recently published reference of Virginia plants, and lead a foray into the park to see examples.
April 13 - Geocaching – Ann Walters
     Find out more about this outdoor treasure hunting game. There are about a dozen caches hidden at New Quarter Park and about 60 others located within 5 miles. It's a great activity for families, individuals, or couples!
May 11 – All About Rain Gardens – Jeanne Millin, Anne Nielsen & Carol Fryer, Master Gardeners
     Get tips on how to fill a low area with a variety of native plants that will absorb and infiltrate the water. Don't let runoff create ugly eroded soil and polluted waterways.
May 18, 8 to 10 p.m. – Black Lights and Bugs – Historic Rivers Chapter, Virginia Master Naturalists
     Master Naturalists will set up white sheets and black lights to attract spiders, moths, beetles and all sorts of bugs. Visitors may bring headlamps, flashlights, cameras and magnifying glasses to get up-close views.
May 25 – Species Diversity at New Quarter Park and the Human Footprint – Dr. Matthias Leu, Applied Conservation and Ecological Research, College of William and Mary
     New Quarter Park is one of several locations in the area where scientists are collecting data on species diversity. Come find out what they're discovering about diversity at New Quarter and the region.
June 1 – Zoo in My Suitcase – Clyde Marsteller, Certified Virginia Master Naturalist, Historic Rivers Chapter
     A menagerie of bugs for kids of all ages to inspect up close. Hear how insects once ruled the earth and are still vital to our survival. Take a walk in the forest to look for insects in their natural habitats and see how these decomposers turn trees and leaves into healthy soil.
     New Quarter Park is located in upper York County at 1000 Lakeshead Drive, next to the Queens Lake neighborhood. For more information, please call Parks and Recreation at 890-3500.
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