Monday, April 15, 2013

Board seeks applicants for Planning Commission; Come join us for national cleanup day


            Grab your work gloves and get ready York County! Through a partnership of and Keep Virginia Beautiful, York County will join other localities for the national clean-up day on Friday, April 26 and Saturday, April 27 from 9 a.m. to noon. This clean-up day is the largest grassroots community involvement program in the United States.
            To join the effort, contact Molly Nealer, York County Parks and Recreation Supervisor, at or Laurie Halperin, York County Recycling and Beautification Coordinator, at, or call 890-3513.
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for York County Planning Commission
     The Board of Supervisors is seeking applications from county citizens interested in serving on the York County Planning Commission to fill upcoming vacancies for Districts 1 and 2.  
     The Planning Commission serves as an advisory body to the Board on land use and development issues, carries out the duties and responsibilities set forth in the state enabling legislation and the County Code, and facilitates community participation and public interest in planning for York County.  The Commission is responsible for reviewing and making recommendations on applications for rezoning, Special Use Permits, Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance text amendments, and other development approvals that require action by the Board of Supervisors. In addition, the Commission is responsible for reviewing and making recommendations to the Board of Supervisors on the county's Comprehensive Plan.
     The Planning Commission is made up of seven members, including one from each election district and two who serve the county at-large. The length of term for appointees is four years. The Commission meets the second Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m. in Yorktown.  Meetings are televised on the York County Cable Channel.
     York County citizens interested in applying for future appointment to the Planning Commission can obtain and file an application by using the County web site. Visit, click on On-Line Services, and then select Board Bank Application.     Applications can also be obtained at the County Administrator's Office at 224 Ballard Street in Yorktown or by calling 890-3320.
     For more information on the Planning Commission, please visit or call the York County Planning Division at 890-3404.

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