Friday, November 11, 2011

Fwd: Thank You and Please Share

To Republican Party of Hampton City Committee and Sustaining Members and Friends,
   Please find below a Note of Thanks from Tom Harmon, our Republican Candidate for the Second Senatorial District.   
   I would like to add my thanks to our members and friends who worked in large part or small in assisting with the Harmon Campaign.  Many walked neighborhoods, distributed literature, attended events, contributed money, worked the polls, and in many other ways supported the Campaign. 
   I would also like to thank Tom Harmon for leading us in a Positive Campaign concentrating on the issues.
Carl Anderson
Republican 2nd Senatorial District Committee


Sent: 11/11/2011 8:57:47 A.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj: Thank You and Please Share

Dear Friends,

Please accept my profound appreciation for you allowing me to serve as your representative in this past election cycle. I am truly grateful for the new friendships developed along our path of trying to secure the 2nd Senatorial District Senate seat. Even though I fell short of the goal, I can say with pride that the local Republican Party City Committees, (Hampton, Yorktown, Newport News and Portsmouth) and Second District Republican Committee (especially Mr. Byler) worked together as I have never seen before to provide support.  My appreciation also runs deep and I can say with pride how proud I am to have received the support from our local Republican Women's Groups.

If the news paper report of the race is accurate we were out spent in the neighborhood of 5-1, which to me means that there was recognition of our message and they pulled out all of the "tricks" to galvanize their base.

Please share with all of the volunteers, friends and contributors, our team's appreciation and gratefulness for their support.

Thank You,

Tom Harmon IV


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