Monday, January 14, 2013

4-H camp registration; 4-H camp teen counselors needed; Calendar art at libraries


Beautiful York County Calendar Artwork at Libraries
January 11, 2013
     The winning entries in the 2013 Beautiful York County Calendar Art Contest are on display at the Tabb Library through January and the Yorktown Library during February. Stop by the Library and enjoy the artwork created by these talented York County students. Pick up your copy of the 2013 calendar, too.
     The Beautiful York County Calendar and Art Contest are coordinated by the York County Beautification Committee. York County students submitted entries that reflected the concept of recycling in York County or how recycling helps keep the county beautiful. Recycled materials were used in the artwork. Students whose artwork was chosen for the calendar also received monetary awards.
     For more information, visit our website at or contact the Tabb Library at 890-5120 or the Yorktown Library at 890-5207. Visit the Tabb Library at 100 Long Green Blvd., Yorktown, VA 23693 or the Yorktown Library at 8500 George Washington Memorial Hwy., Yorktown, VA 23692. Library hours are Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and Sunday, 1 to 5 p.m.
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York-Poquoson Junior 4-H Camp Registration
     Boys and girls ages 9-13 are invited to register for the York-Poquoson Junior 4-H Camp that is being held July 29-August 2, 2013. This 5-day and 4-night residential camp is conducted at the Jamestown 4-H Center and costs $225.00. 
     Camp Registration and payment will be accepted BY MAIL ONLY beginning January 21. Registration must be mailed to VCE-York/Poquoson Extension Office, P.O. Box 532, Yorktown, VA 23690, and be postmarked on or after January 21. No hand delivered, faxed or emailed registration forms will be accepted
     Registration is open until all camp slots are filled. Once all slots have been filled, children will be put on a waiting list. York County and Poquoson residents have priority until April 1.
     For registration materials visit our website: or call 890-4940.
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     The York-Poquoson Extension Office is now accepting applications for teen counselors for the 2013 Jr. 4-H Camp, July 29-August 2. Interested teens who were at least 14 as of January 1, 2013 can visit to download an application.  Completed applications and $100 registration fee can be mailed to:
PO Box 532
Yorktown, VA 23690
     For more information, call the 890-4940.
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