Sunday, January 20, 2013

RESPONSE requested if you don't want Yk Cty to raise your real estate taxes

To YCRC members that are receiving this email.
Please respond asap by hitting "reply all" if you don't want the Bd of Supervisors to raise the real estate tax rate again and say "YES" to sending a strong message to the BoS.
Here is the Resolution that l propose that our Chair should go to the next BoS meeting and read to them during the 3 minute time for citizens to address the BoS members:
To: the York County Bd of Supervisors
From: the YCRC:
We, the members of your Republican County Committee, by a recent majority vote did not want the 12.77% tax rate increase last year. We further do not want another tax rate increase this year. We want you to cut spending instead.

Greg Garrett
offices in Hpt Rds from Chesapeake to Williamsburg
Licensed in Virginia
cell # 757-879-1504

Please let me know who needs to buy or sell a house

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