Wednesday, May 22, 2013


The Peninsula Friends of Ken Cuccinelli for Governor

Senator Tommy Norment * Delegate Gordon Helsel * Delegate Rick Morris  

Delegate Brenda Pogge * Delegate Mike Watson * Delegate David Yancey

Sheriff J. D. "Danny" Diggs * Honorable Ben Hahn

Dick Ashe * Bobby Ashe * Bart & Gail Barton * Robert Beck * Mickey Chohany * Glen Davenport

Greg & Libby Garrett *  Bob & Shelly Fitzgerald * Tom & Nancy Inman * Richard Locke

Jack & Muriel Greenhalgh * Tom & Ann Hunnicutt, III * Randall & Terri Hudgins * Bill Smith

Terry & Patti Hall * Lewis McMurran, IIII * Mike & Kathy Melo * Tom & Donna Morr

Rick & Cathy Pearce * Phil Richardson * Bo Roberson * Ward Scull * Bibb & Pam Swain * Jeff Wassmer

Chip & Tamzen Trieshmann * Dwight & Barbara West * Charles & Sandra Young

Cordially invite you to a Reception honoring

Ken Cuccinelli

Attorney General (VA)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

5:30 p.m.  Private Reception & Photo op with Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli

6:15 p.m. – 8 p.m.  General Reception

Held at the home of
Greg & Libby Garrett
122 Sandbox Lane
Yorktown, Virginia 23692

Hope you will join us for “Oysters, Seafood and BBQ” !!


Checks should be made payable to “Cuccinelli for Governor”

Please mail to P.O. Box 1715, Virginia Beach, VA 23451

Or call (757) 344-8518 or Email: or Fax: this form to (757) 491-7143

Yes, I/we would like to support Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli for Governor as follows:

________ $  5,000   Benefactor — 10 reservations to Private Reception/photo op  & General Reception

________ $   2,500   Sponsor—  8 Reservations to  Private Reception/photo op & General Reception

_______   $  1,000   Patron—  4 Reservations to the Private Reception/photo op & General Reception

_______   $      500   Co-Host – Per Couple 2 reservations to the Private Reception/photo op & General Reception

________ $      250   Friend—   Includes Private Reception/Photo op and General Reception __ Reservations

________ $        75    Individual- General Reception only  ___ Reservations  

_______ No, I/We will not be able to attend but would like to contribute $_______



Work Phone:_________________                  FAX_____________________ Email___                  _______________________                                                      

Employer:                            Occupation:        ­­­­__________        

Card Number:                                                      __________                                    Name on the Card:                                                                                          

Exp Date:                                                                        Security Code:                                                      Circle One:  Visa     MasterCard      Amex

Billing Address (if different from above)                                                                                                                                                                  

Political contributions are not tax-deductible charitable contributions.  Corporate contributions are permitted. With any contribution of over $100 in a calendar year, it is required to list the employer and occupation of the donor

Paid for and authorized by Cuccinelli for Governor

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