Thursday, May 30, 2013

YCRC 6 June mtg Call & Info

Greetings, Fellow Republicans!


Attached and below please find the Call for the YCRC 6 June 2013 meeting at York Hall. We’re very excited to have our Lt. Gov. candidate E. W. Jackson as our guest speaker! His enthusiastic speech at the RPV Convention on the 18th  brought delegates to their feet and swept him to win all 4 ballots leading up to gaining over 50% to earn the nomination. Now it’s up to us to get behind him to motivate everyone to vote for him as our new Lt. Governor!


As announced at the 2 May meeting, YCRC Vice Chairman – District Operations Sue McRoberts resigned her position due to family commitments. Please keep her and her family in your prayers. We are very grateful for the hard work Sue did organizing election day poll manning as well as her door knocking and other campaign efforts last year!

è At next Thursday’s YCRC meeting, we will be taking nominations from the floor for the election of a new Vice Chairman – District Operations to complete the term of office. This position is critically important with the upcoming campaign work for the statewide & delegate elections in November!


Please mark your calendar to attend these important upcoming events:


è Monday, 3 June, 7 PM -   Peninsula Young Republicans Chairman, Jared Hendrix, is inviting you to attend their regular business meeting being held at Angelo's Steakhouse, 755 J. Clyde Morris Blvd., Newport News, VA 23601, on Monday June 3, 2013 starting at 7:00 PM. The YRs are welcoming a very special guest, Morton Blackwell, Virginia's National Committeeman. Mr. Blackwell, founder of the Leadership Institute, is one of the leading figures in the Republican Party and the modern conservative movement. He's been involved in politics for almost half a century since serving as Barry Goldwater's youngest delegate to the 1964 national convention.

Mr. Blackwell’s discussion topics: Building a governing majority; the 2012 Republican National Convention in Tampa; and the ensuing rules debacle over the course of the last few months. It's important to understand the consequences these rules have on grassroots activists as well as how important it is to stay engaged in the Republican Party.


è Tuesday, 4 June , 6:15 PM - Fundraiser Reception with Republican candidate for Governor Ken Cuccinelli @ Greg Garrett’s home, 122 Sandbox Lane, Yorktown 23692. For details, please see the attached flier invitation.


è Saturday, 15 June, 6 PM - York Republican Women’s Club Dinner-Auction Fundraiser @ Olde Port Cove clubhouse, off Calthrop Neck Rd. to the right in subdivision. Please see attached flier or contact Mary Clark (867-8151) or Shirley Charles (506-2556).



If you can’t attend the 6 June YCRC meeting, a proxy form is attached for you to make arrangements for someone from your district (non-YCRC member) to attend as your proxy so you don’t have an absence recorded. Remember – if you miss three (3) consecutive meetings, you resign your membership (lose voting status) and must seek reinstatement in the same manner as new prospective members, per RPV Party Plan requirements.

The 2 May YCRC meeting minutes are attached, also, for your review.


I look forward to seeing you all next Thursday at York Hall for our meeting and hearing Republican Lt. Gov. candidate E.W. Jackson speak about his plans and campaign!

Have a wonderful week!


For God and Country,



Lynda Fairman

Chairman, York County Republican Committee




As Chairman of the York County Republican Committee and pursuant to the YCRC Bylaws, I, Lynda Fairman, do issue this Call for the general meeting of the York County Republican Committee to be held Thursday, 6 June 2013, at 7:00 pm at York Hall, 301 Main Street, Yorktown, Virginia for the purpose of conducting business as stated in the following/attached Agenda.



6 June 2013


I. Call to Order / Opening Ceremonies                                                           7:00 – 7:10 PM

A. Invocation, Pledge, Republican Creed

B. Welcome Guests


II. Program / Guest Speakers                                                                         7:10 – 7:40 PM

A.    E. W. Jackson, Republican Candidate for Lt. Governor


III. Roll Call / Handle Proxies / Determine Quorum                                       7:40 – 7:45 PM


IV. Announcements                                                                                        7:45 – 7:55 PM

A.    YRWC Dinner Auction Fundraiser, 15 June – Mary Clark & Shirley Charles

B.    Cuccinelli Door Knocking, Sat. 15 June; phone banking every Tues – Tim Pogge

C.   Other: (sign up form upon arrival)


V. Chairman’s Report / Comments                                                                7:55 – 8:00 PM


VI. Approval of 2 May 2013 YCRC Mtg. Minutes                                          8:00 – 8:05 PM

A.    Distributed via email prior to mtg.


VII. Introduction of Prospective Members                                                      8:05 – 8:10 PM

A.    New applicants applying tonight

B.    2012-2014 members seeking reinstatement after missing 3 consecutive mtgs.


VIII. Officer, Committee Reports                                                                   8:10 – 8:25 PM


IX. Unfinished Business                                                                                  8:25 – 8:35 PM                      

A. Consideration of new members introduced at previous meetings, if in attendance: Philip Bogert, Jeffrey Bramick, Gary Brocksmith, Miles Burcher, Robert Harrell, Conni Jones, Michelle Krewinghaus, Jeremy Melish, Carol Meredith, David Meredith, Sharra Odom, Gary Porter, Lisa Wallace


            B. Consideration of 2012-2014 members seeking reinstatement after three (3) consecutive YCRC meeting absences introduced at previous meetings, if in attendance: Delbert Curtis, Norman Ingram, Bobby Rapp, Tu Ritter


X. New Business                                                                                             8:35 – 8:55 PM

A.    Nominations & Election of new YCRC Vice Chairman – District Operations

B.    Yorktown 4th of July Parade participation & Republican booth

C.   Other (sign up form upon arrival)

XI. Adjournment                                                                                              9:00  PM


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