Monday, May 6, 2013

Tax due date is June 25; Offices closed Memorial Day


York County tax due date following new schedule
May 6, 2013
     At its March 19 meeting, the Board of Supervisors altered the budget development schedule and subsequent due date for the payment of personal property and real estate taxes. The Board adopted the Fiscal Year 2014 (July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014) operating budget on May 2nd and approved the following tax rates: $0.7515 per $100 of assessed valuation for real estate and $4.00 per $100 of assessed valuation for personal property.
     Because of the revised budget adoption date, which was scheduled to develop a budget with complete data from the state and federal governments, the due date for the first half of 2013 personal property and real estate taxes is June 25. Tax bills will be mailed the last week of May. 
     Vehicle registration fees are included in the personal property tax bill.
     If you do not receive your tax bill by June 1, you can find your tax information on-line at and select "Online Services." For more information, visit the Treasurer's Office website shown above.


County offices to close for Memorial Day
May 6, 2013
     The following York County courts and offices will be closed on Monday, May 27, in observance of Memorial Day:
             Courts                                                             -           Closed
           York County Offices                                      -           Closed
           Virginia Cooperative Extension Service         -           Closed
           York-Poquoson Social Services                      -           Closed
             York County Public Libraries                         -           Closed           
           Waste Management Administrative Office    -           Closed
           Waste Management Center                             -           Closed
           Regional Yard Waste Composting Facility    -           Closed
Memorial Day Collection Schedule
     Due to the holiday, garbage pick up will be moved one day forward; so that if a resident's curbside pickup is usually on Monday, it will be picked up Tuesday of that week. Tuesday's pickups will be done on Wednesday, etc. ending with Friday's pickups on Saturday.  Recycling pickups will not be affectedby the Memorial Day holiday. For more information on the collection schedule, call 890-3780.
     For more information about county office and court closings, call 890-3300.

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