Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Aviation history author to speak on Naval Air Station Yorktown


October 31, 2012
     Aviation history author Mark Chambers will be a guest speaker at the fifth Hunt for History event being held Saturday, November 3, at Yorktown Middle School, 11201 George Washington Memorial Highway. Mr. Chambers is scheduled to speak at 10:30 a.m. Chambers, who has done extensive research on the history of U.S. naval flight testing in Hampton Roads, will speak about the history of Naval Air Station Yorktown. His presentation is titled, "Naval Air Station (NAS) Yorktown: Site of Firsts in American Aviation."
     Mr. Chambers is the author of "Flight Research at NASA Langley Research Center" (Arcadia Publishing Publication), "From Research to Relevance: Significant Achievements in Aeronautical Research at Langley Research Center (1917-2002)" (NASA Publication), and "Engineering Test Pilot: The Exceptional Career of John P. "Jack" Reeder" (Virginia Aeronautical Historical Society Publication). Mark is also the co-author, with his father Joseph, of "Radical Wings & Wind Tunnels: Advanced Concepts Tested at NASA Langley" (Specialty Press Publication).
     The Hunt for History event, which runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and is free and open to the public, will include two other presentations:
       11:30 a.m. - Mr. Paul Emigholz, a graduate of the University of Washington and the University of Richmond School of Law, will provide an overview of the Historic Routes and Trails Mapping Project that he has lead for the past three years, with specific emphasis on the Yorktown area.
       12:30 p.m. - Ms. Bethany Austin, Hampton History Museum, will instruct participants on how to best care for and preserve important family papers and photographs for future generations.

For more information, call 757-890-3500 or visit

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York County District 5 Report - November 2012 by Supervisor Tom Shepperd

Dear Neighbors,


The District 5 Report for November 2012 is designed to keep you informed of local and state government actions that impact our homes and communities.*  Crime Watch information is included as a supplement to your local Crime Watch Program.  York County residents are added to the distribution list for the District 5 Report upon request by email to either or  Comments and questions are always welcome.  You can reach me at the phone numbers and email addresses listed below my name.  I greatly appreciate your help in disseminating the report to other residents of our communities.




Tom Shepperd

Chairman and District 5 Representative

York County Board of Supervisors


Home (757) 868-8591

Cell (757) 604-3079


------District 5 Report November 2012*------


1.  District 5 Town Meeting Briefing Slides – The District 5 Town Meeting was held on October 10th at Tabb Elementary School.  The turnout was great with over 100 in attendance.  Key subjects of interest included an update on the proposed recycling program and the proposed new solicitation ordinance.  Other subjects of interest included an update on the Victory Boulevard Multi-Use Trail, VDOT’s road maintenance plan for our neighborhoods, and a detailed breakout of the Route 17 widening plan.


The District 5 Town Meeting briefing slides are available for your review by going to way of getting to the briefing is to go to the County’s webpage at and selecting “County Government” then “Board of Supervisors.”  The link to the briefing is on the left side of the Board of Supervisors page.  The briefing contains 89 slides, so it may take up to 15 second to open.


2.  Crime Watch York County continues to enjoy a very low crime rate.  A good way to see how well we are doing is to compare our crime rate with that of surrounding jurisdictions.  This is often done by stating the crimes per 100,000 population.  In 2011, the last year for complete data, the crime rate for York County stood at 4,142.  Compare this rate with that of Hampton at 8,182 and Newport News at 8,743 and you can see we are living in a pretty safe area.  Historically, the more densely populated an area the higher the rate of crime and this holds true for District 5.  Portions of District 5 have a population of nearly 7,500 per square mile, which makes it the most densely populated district in the County.


When looking at crime distribution across District 5 and using a comparison of Very High, High, Moderate, and Low concentration of incidents, the densely populated areas along Route 134 (Hampton Highway) such as Yorkshire Downs show a moderate crime rate.  Not surprisingly, areas such as the Shady Banks Shopping Center and Tabb High School also show moderate levels of crime.   Low incidents of crime are seen in some areas of Meadowlake Farms, Running Man, Wythe Creek Farms, York Colony, and The Woods of Tabb.   Many areas of the district had no reported crime in 2011.  Larceny continues to be a perpetual problem, particularly with vehicles.  In 2011, there were 33 incidents of larceny from automobiles and 11 incidents of vehicle theft.  In nearly all cases of larceny from automobiles, the automobile was left unlocked.  The Sheriff highly recommends that you remove valuables from sight and lock your vehicles at night.  What is important to take away from all this is that overall crime is not a major issue in our area.  Of course, this doesn’t mean we can relax.  You must always pay attention to what is happening in your neighborhood.


There is one very important aspect of crime reporting that is often misunderstood.  Way too often I hear of break-ins and complaints about the lack of timely reporting of the incidents.  When I talk to the Sheriff’s Office about the situation, it isn’t uncommon to find that there was no report called in to the Sheriff’s Office.  I’m not sure what the rationale is for not reporting a crime but I can tell you that unless it’s reported, the Sheriff’s Office cannot act and the situation can escalate.  Please do not hesitate to dial 911 to report any type of crime. 


RAIDSONLINE is an online program that gives you an update on the location of reported criminal activity near your home and neighborhood.  The York County Sheriff’s Office participates in RAIDSONLINE which is located at When you go to the RAIDSONLINE site, you can either double click on the map or type in your address to see the crimes reported around your home.  It is important to note that the Sheriff’s Office updates the crime data every Tuesday.  If you select a date range that does not cover a historical two week period, the map will most likely not display any data.  Also, you might find the “Data Layers” of interest.  The “Data Layers” cover many different aspects that can give you a better understanding concerning the makeup of your community.


3. Notices


a.  Daylight Saving Time or Summer Time ends November 4th.   Don’t forget to turn your clocks back an hour.  Also, it’s a good time to change the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.


b.  Hampton Road Transportation Planning Organization (HRTPO) Survey.  If you want to have an impact on the future development of transportation in our region, I strongly encourage you to visit the HRTPO website at and complete the short survey on the right side of the home page.  The HRTPO represents the 16 municipalities of the Hampton Roads region.  Representatives of every state level governmental organization associated with transportation, the military, and state legislature participate in the HRTPO.


c.   The DMV2Go mobile office conducts DMV transactions on a regular basis ever third Tuesday of every month at the Yorktown Library.  The library is located at 8500 George Washing Memorial Highway in York County.   Services include applying or renewing driver’s licenses, ID cards and Veterans ID Cards (issued if the veteran supplies a copy of their DD214).   For more information on DMV2Go, visit


d. York County polling locations will be open on Election Day from 6 a.m.-7 p.m.  Absentee voting is available for those who will be out of their precinct on Nov. 6, those who are unable to go to their polling place because of an illness or disability, and those who otherwise qualify to vote an absentee ballot. The deadline to apply to vote absentee in person is 5 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 3. In order to accommodate those who wish to vote absentee in person, the Registrar’s Office will be open Saturday, Nov. 3, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.  Any voter age 65 or older or physically disabled may request a ballot from an officer of election outside the polling place but within 150 feet of the entrance to the polling place.  On Nov. 6, persons who fit these qualifications and who wish to vote outside the polling place can call the Registrar’s Office at 890-3440.  The Registrar’s Office will alert the polling place that a voter who wishes to vote outside the polling place will be arriving.  For additional information, please call the Registrar’s Office at 890-3440 or visit the website,


e.  Local businesses and organizations can now advertise at the York County Sports Complex. Banners on outfield or sideline fences or underneath the baseball/softball scoreboards will provide exposure to the many visitors that come to the park.  The park is home to York County Little League and the county’s recreational youth soccer and adult softball programs. In addition to these programs the park hosts numerous youth and adult leagues and tournaments in various sports such as soccer, kickball, lacrosse, baseball and softball. The park’s 13 lighted athletic fields and three concession/restroom buildings also includes two playground sites, numerous picnic shelters and a paved walking/bike path that are open daily for the public’s enjoyment.  For more information on the opportunity visit the website at  or contact Amy Rowley at 890-3511.


f.  Leaf  Collection is available for Residents who live on publicly maintained streets.  An unlimited number of clear bags of leaves can be placed at the curb for collection every other week.  Residents who live in private communities or on privately maintained streets or roads may also bring leaves out to the closest public roadway for collection.  The maximum weight limit is 40 lbs. per bag.  Bags must be at the curb by 7 a.m. on Monday of your designated collection week.  Pick-up will be completed by the end of the week.  Leaf collection for the Southern zone will be on the following weeks: November 12, November 26, December 10, December 24, January 7, January 21 and January 28.  Leaf collection for the Northern zone will be on the following weeks: November 19, December 3, December 17, December 31, January 14 and January 28.


4.  Upcoming Public Hearings – On November 20th, the Board of Supervisors will hold public hearings on a proposed new recycling program and a proposed solicitation ordinance.  If you are unable to attend the public hearings, you can provide comments on the proposal by emailing the Supervisors at  The following is a brief synopsis of the two issues.


a.  Proposed Solicitation Ordinance – The purpose of the ordinance is to provide greater protection to the community, provide the Sheriff’s Office with better law enforcement capability, and support community programs.   The ordinance will regulate but not prohibit door to door solicitation of sales and services.  Door to doors solicitors must obtain a permit from the Sheriff’s Office.  The permit costs $20 dollars and is good for one year.  The permit may be denied for certain criminal convictions.  Door to door solicitation is prohibited when a property owner displays a “No Solicitations” sign and between the hours of one hour before sunset to 9 a.m.  All orders must be in writing.  Violation of the ordinance is a Class 1 misdemeanor.  The ordinance has several exemptions, some of which come from state code.  For example, newspaper sales, sales of farm products, insurance salesmen, and deliveries to regular customers are protected by Virginia state code.  Other exemptions include political canvassing, anyone 18 years old and younger offering residential lawn care or similar services, and charities and nonprofits (Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, High School clubs, etc.).


b.  Proposed Recycling Program – The purpose of the new program is to remove the cost of recycling from the tax rate, offer residents a modern voluntary program that promotes participation through competitive pricing and a reward system, reduces the cost of trash collection and ultimately protects the environment.  The new recycling program will provide a wheeled 96 gallon container, which is similar in size to our current trash container.  Curbside collection will be every other week and a “perks” program will reward those who participate.  The cost of recycling and trash collection will be combined into a single fee for service.  The current fee for trash only collection is $12.25 per month.  The new program will combined trash and recycling into a single service fee of $18.50 per month.  If a resident does not wish to participate in the recycling program, the trash only fee is $24 per month.  If a resident wishes to participate only in the recycling program, the cost will be $4 per month.  A regional municipal cost comparison of combined trash and recycling fees shows a range of $18.42 to $33.36 per month. 


Curbside collection is just one aspect of the County’s total recycling program.  The program also includes the citizen drop off areas, composting facility, household chemical and leaf collection.  The County receives no revenue from curbside recycling, which cost $808,000 a year.   The County receives revenue only from citizen drop off of recyclable material and the composting facility.  Revenue from the drop off and composting amounts to $275,000.   The cost to the County for all aspects of the recycling program is $1,173,000.  Combining trash and curbside recycling into a fee for service programs reduces the County’s overall recycling cost to $365,000.


I want to emphasize that the proposed curbside recycling and trash collection program is a voluntary program managed through the Virginia Peninsulas Public Service Authority (VPPSA).  While the proposed fee for recycling and  trash collection is very competitive, it may not be the best option for everyone.  Nonparticipating residents will still be able to take their trash to the VPPSA collection site for a small fee.  There is no cost for dropping off of recyclable material.


5.  Development Update


a.  Putt-putt golf course cancelled.  Earlier this year the Board of Supervisors approved a special use permit for a putt-putt golf course on the vacant property near the Shady Bank Shopping Center.  Recently, I learned that plans for the putt-putt golf course business are cancelled. 


b.  Krispy Kreme.  The vacant lot at the corner of Oriana Road and Route 17 has stood vacant for years.  According to the County Office of Economic Development, a Krispy Kreme store is now scheduled to be built on the site.  Details are still being worked with the County’s Planning Department.


7.  Board of Supervisors Actions


a.  Approved Resolution R12-114 to accept $500,000 in grants (no funding match required) to support the County’s Next Generation Enhanced 9-1-1 Pilot Program.  The NG9-1-1 will enable the interface of new emerging technologies into the York-Poquoson-Williamsburg Consolidated Emergency 9-1-1 Center.  NG9-1-1 will allow cell phone users to send text messages as the first phase of the multi-media data capabilities.  Pictures, videos, and other technologies will be added as they evolve.  York County has a national reputation for being on the leading edge of emergency technology.  Thanks to the County staff’s outstanding efforts, the citizens of York County have for years experienced an unprecedented degree of emergency response capability.


b.  Approved Resolution 12-115 authorizing the County to expend $110,000 in funds to support the study and design of the Moore’s Creek 2C drainage project.  The project includes analyzing the existing drainage system and determining a suitable storm water solution for the project area. 


c.  Approved Resolution 12-125 authorizing cost sharing funds for transportation projects.  Projects include:


(1)  Culvert improvement under Lakeland Crescent at the outfall of the Woodlake Crossing lake.  The project is expected to cost $200,000.  VDOT and the County will each put $100,000 towards the project.  This will reduce the overall cost of the Moores Creek Phase IIC drainage project.


(2)  Study to widen Mansion Road, which is an 18-foot wide road serving three subdivisions and multiple non-subdivision homes.  The study is expected to cost $50,000.  VDOT and the County will each put $25,000 toward the project.  The study will make the widening of Mansion Road a shovel ready project pending future state or federal funding.


c.  Approved Resolution 12-116 to accept a U.S. Department of Justice grant of $47,779 for Sheriff’s Department officer overtime, salary and expenses in support of activities intended to disrupt illicit drug trafficking in Hampton Roads.


e.  Approved Application PD-33-12 authorizing the reclassification of approximately 11 acres near the intersection of Fort Eustis Boulevard and Route 17 from General Business to Planned Development Residential.  The Yorktown Arch development will contain both residential and commercial structures.  There will be a maximum of 92 multi-family units and a minimum of 15,000 square feet of commercial space.  Yorktown Arch is the third Planned Development in and around the Fort Eustis Boulevard and Route 17 intersection.  The recent widening of Fort Eustis Boulevard provides residents of the area with easy access to Fort Eustis and Interstate 64.


f.  Approved multiple applications for home businesses:  Beauty shop at 1630 on Route 17; physical therapy office at 309 Marks Pond Way (Upper County); firearms repair at 218 Cherwell Court.


* Comments and opinions expressed in this report do not necessarily represent the position of other members of the York County Board of Supervisors.  If you wish to obtain comments from members of the Board of Supervisors, please visit the York County website at  Supervisor contact information is located on the website under the title "County Government."  Homeowner Associations are encouraged to use portions of this report in preparing their association newsletters.

Registrar's office expands hours for absentee voting


October 31, 2012
     At the request of Don Palmer, Secretary of the State Board of Elections, the York County General Registrar's Office will remain open one additional hour each day between October 31, 2012, and November 3, 2012, in order to accommodate absentee voters. Hours of operation will be:
  • Wednesday, October 31, 2012: 8:30 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.
  • Thursday, November 1, 2012: 8:30 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.
  • Friday, November 2, 2012: 8:30 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.
  • Saturday, November 3, 2012: 9:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.
     In order to vote absentee, you must be registered to vote and meet one of the qualifying absentee reasons. Please remember to bring an acceptable form of identification to the voter registration office if you are planning to vote absentee.    
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Yorktown Market Days in Nov. and Dec.; Veterans Day Ceremony


Yorktown Market Days to feature more local artists this fall
October 31, 2012
     Yorktown Market Daysbegan this year's season in May with more than 30 vendors offering seasonal fruits & vegetables, fresh seafood, eggs, poultry, beef & pork, fresh breads, baked goods, peanuts, organic & gluten free items, plants, cut flowers, pasta, sauces, coffee, jams & jellies and much more. 
     Located on the banks of the York River between Buckner and Ballard Streets, the markets continue this fall and holiday season with monthly markets on Saturdays, Nov. 10, and Dec. 15 with extended hours of 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.  
     More than 32 local artists are participating in the 2012 season, offering one-of-a-kind quality art for sale. The November and December markets will feature over 15 artists to include the following. 
§         Rob Ingalls (Photography)
§         Seth Fisher (Photography)
§         Barbara Meier (Stained Glass)
§         Marilyn West (Acrylic Paintings & Jewelry)
§         Paige Joyner (Dog Coats & Beds/Knitted Items)
§         Paul Cochran (Bottle Cap Art)
§         Jean Thompson (Wine Bottle Cheese Plates)
§         Bob Leek (Pottery)
§         Randy Goodyear (Wind Chimes)
§         Jacqueline McNeil-Steorra (Etched Glassware)
§         Sue LeGault (Baskets)
§         Kim Steele (Jewelry)
§         Jay White (Silversmith)
§         Wayne West (Seaglass Jewelry)
§         Betsy Minney (Pottery)
§         Art Wolz (Wood Carving, Fish Prints, Driftwood)
§         Kino Alpaca Criations (Live Alpacas for petting/photos, fleece, socks, gloves, hat, etc.)
     Entertainment is also offered each week including bluegrass, folksongs, sea shanties, country, western, swing, and Americana tunes. Visitors can also sample specialty shops at Riverwalk Landing offering patriotic items, home décor, clothing, jewelry, art, rugs and more, all while enjoying the river view.
     Free parkingis available in several public parking areas throughout historic Yorktown. No rain dates are scheduled for the Market Days. In the event of inclement weather, please call the event weather hotline at 890-3520 for updated information. For directions to Yorktown and a more detailed schedule of events, call 890-3500 or
     Yorktown Market Days is presented by the Riverwalk Landing Business Association and York County. Special thanks to the market founding sponsor 1st Advantage Federal Credit Union and market sponsors Saude Creek Vineyards, Farm Bureau Insurance and Nelson's Grant for their continued support.


York County to Observe Veterans Day in Yorktown on Nov. 12
October 31, 2012
     "Letters from War" is the continuing theme of the annual Veterans Day ceremony held in Historic Yorktown. Gather with members of the York County Historical Committee as they pay tribute to those who are serving, and have served, our nation in times of war.
In remembrance of Veterans Day 2012, the Historical Committee will observe the occasion with a memorial service in the Board Room, Second Floor, York Hall, 301 Main Street, Yorktown, on Monday, November 12.  The service will begin at 12 noon and will include a tolling of the bell, presentation of the colors, singing of the National Anthem, Pledge of Allegiance, laying of honors, and "Taps." There will also be a special recognition of all Veterans of our Armed Forces. Refreshments will be served immediately following the ceremony. 
     Though Veterans Day is actually November 11, this program is scheduled for Monday so as not to conflict with church services.
     This year the guest speaker will be Chief Warrant Officer 5 (Ret.) Michael R. Gwinn of Dare, Virginia. CWO 5 Gwinn entered the United States Army in 1977, and served for over 30 years, retiring in 2007.  He has served in Grenada, the Persian Gulf, Somalia, Bosnia, Iraq, and Afghanistan as an U. S. Army Aviator. He is the son of (Ret) Colonel John and Ruth Gwinn of Lewisburg, West Virginia.  Col. Gwinn is a World War II and Korean War Veteran, entering the Second World War shortly after Pearl Harbor. Chief Gwinn is married to the former Kelly Edmonds who is the Assistant Principal at B. C. Charles Elementary School in Newport News. They currently have a son, Second Lieutenant Michael T. Gwinn serving at Fort Benning, Georgia as a United States Army Infantry Officer.
     For more information, call York County Parks and Recreation at 890-3500.

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Civil War Battle is topic of Nov. 3 Walk at New Quarter Park; Yorktown Holiday Open House


Civil War Battle is topic of November 3 Walk at New Quarter Park
October 31, 2012
     Follow J. Michael Moore, Newport News museum curator and Civil War historian, to Williamsburg Line Redoubts 12 and 13 at New Quarter Park. The two-hour program begins at 10 a.m. on Saturday, November 3, with a discussion of Battle of Williamsburg strategy. Moore will lead participants around Redoubt 12 and Redoubt 13 while continuing his talk about battle tactics and details on the building of Williamsburg Line earthworks. The Battle of Williamsburg was part of the larger Peninsula Campaign, the series of Hampton to Richmond battles and skirmishes, in which Union forces tried but failed to seize the Confederate capital and end the war in 1862.  
     The New Quarter Park program is free and open to the public. The York County park is located at 1000 Lakeshead Drive. From the Colonial Parkway, exit at Queen's Lake and turn right at the end of the exit ramp. Travel a short distance to Lakeshead Drive. Follow this road into the Park. If traveling to Williamsburg on Interstate 64, take exit 242, Route 199 toward Jamestown, then take the first exit on Route 143 west. Turn right on Penniman Road, travel one block, and then turn left on Hubbard Lane. Travel toward Queens Lake and turn right on Lakeshead Drive. Follow this road approximately 2 miles to the New Quarter Park office.
     For more information about New Quarter Park or to add your name to the Park's emailing list for information on upcoming events, call York County Parks and Recreation at 890-3500 or New Quarter Park at 890-5840.
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Yorktown to host Holiday Open House weekend Nov. 10-11
October 31, 2012
     The spirit of the holidays will be present throughout Historic Yorktown Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 10 and 11, at the Yorktown Holiday Open House. 
     Shops along Main and Ballard Streets and Riverwalk Landing will be open on this special weekend to allow visitors to leisurely peruse items for sale. Select stores will be holding giveaways, offering special discounts, tempting visitors with delicious appetizers, and hosting artist demonstrations. Enjoy festive decorations and strolling entertainment throughout this special Open House weekend. Santa Claus will pay a visit, so make your list, check it twice, and bring it to Yorktown Nov. 10 and 11.
     In addition to the participating businesses listed below, some special events will also be featured this Holiday Open House weekend.  Yorktown Market Days will take place with extended hours on Saturday, Nov. 10, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., featuring local produce, fresh meat and seafood, baked goods, potted plants, coffee, quality art, and live musical entertainment provided by Runaway String Band. Don't miss the chef's demonstration provided by Elite Cuisine at 9:30 and 11 a.m.
     Following Market Days, visit the Watermen's Museum for the 6th Annual Chili Cook-OffCompetition from noon to 3 p.m.  For only $5, sample each competitor's chili recipes and cast your vote for the one you like the most.  Monday, Nov. 12 concludes the weekend with the annual Veteran's Day Ceremony at York Hall at 12 p.m.
Sat:                  Runaway String Band – Yorktown Market Days (9 a.m. to 3 p.m.)
Sat & Sun:       Strolling Santa and Mrs. Claus (12 to 3 p.m.) 
Sun:                 Louis Vangieri, Acoustical guitar & storytelling – Ben & Jerry's (1 to 4 p.m.)
Holiday Open House Participating Businesses (hours of operation vary by business)
Ben and Jerry's/Green Mountain Coffee
   ~       Register to win an 8" cake & other gift items (winner chosen Sun at 5 p.m.)
   ~       Free samples of ice cream and specialty coffee
Viccellio Goldsmith
   ~      Light Sweets & Treats
   ~       Free drawing for Sterling Silver Yorktown Bracelet
Yorktown Onion
   ~       Customer Appreciation Event – 25% savings on entire store (not to be combined with any other sales, discounts, or promotions)
Grace Episcopal Church
   ~       Sat and Sun: Open 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Gallery at York Hall
   ~       Sat & Sun: Featuring a series of cookbooks by author Patricia Mitchell – "Colonial Food, Lore & More"  
   ~       Sat & Sun: Holiday refreshments
Yorktown Shoppe
   ~       Sat & Sun: In-store specials
   ~       Local artist Susan Thornton available to personalize hand-painted ornaments (specific times will be posted outside the shoppe)
Hornsby House Inn
~          Sat & Sun: Open House Weekend (12 to 4 p.m.)
~          Light refreshments
Yorktown Battlefield
~          Fee-free weekend in all National Parks, Nov 10-12 (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
~          Sat: Lamb's Artillery and British Royal Artillery Demonstrations (11:45 a.m., 12:45 p.m., 1:45 p.m., and 2:45 p.m.)
~          Sun: Historians John Quarstein and Michael Moore present a program at 2 p.m. "Yorktown's Civil War Siege" followed by a book signing.
Black Dog Gallery
   ~       Holiday refreshments
   ~       Seashell trees & wreaths, original photo frames & unique gift ideas
Patriot Tours & Provisions
  ~       Fri-Sun: "Bring 3 & the 4th is free" special pricing on Segway & Ghost tours
   ~       Free drawing for Yorktown sweatshirt
   ~       Light refreshments
Nancy Thomas Gallery
   ~      "An Open House of Surprises!" – Sat: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. (extended hours); Sun: 12 to 5 p.m.
   ~       New pieces and gifts
   ~       Guest artists, Vivian Driskill (fine handmade jewelry), Mark Peyton (mixed-media) and Diane Husson (ceramics)
   ~       Sat: Seasonal Wine Tasting from 4 to 7 p.m.
River Fruit Tropical Wines
   ~       In-store specials all day on wines
   ~       Sample cranberry & blueberry sparking wines, mulled cranberry wine & and delicious items made from wine such as blackberry wine cake
Riverwalk Restaurant
   ~     Sat & Sun: Free hot cider, receive a coupon for free dessert with paid lunch or dinner
   ~      Sat & Sun: Wine tasting in the lobby from 5 to 7 p.m.
Yorktown Victory Center - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., daily
   ~       Continental Army Encampment Artillery: 11:05 am & 3:05 p.m.; 18th-Century Medicine: 
            All Day
   ~       1780s Farm
Textile Demonstration: 11:35 a.m.; Open-Hearth Cooking: All Day
   ~      Museum Store featuring American-made toys, gifts and holiday items
Free admission for York County, James City County and City of Williamsburg residents
Marl Inn B&B
   ~       Special thanks to veterans for their service to our country and in particular the
 Yorktown Coast Guard Training Center 53 years of service.          
Sommerwell Market
   ~        Holiday section by Jamestown Glass House
   ~        Sweet Treats
Claire Murray
   ~        Free drawing for a basket of spa products
   ~        20% to 70% off sale
   ~        Cookies and light refreshments
Southern Estates, Books & Antiques
   ~        Serving sparkling wine to wish everyone a happy holiday (1 per customer)
Parking          Visitors may park in any public parking area throughout Historic Yorktown. Handicapped parking is located on the lower level of the Riverwalk Landing parking terrace, York Hall, and in limited quantities at all other public parking areas. The free Yorktown trolley will run on Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.).
General Info For directions to Yorktown and additional information, visit
Sponsored by York County, Riverwalk Landing Business Association and participating businesses *Dates, times and activities are subject to change
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Senior Center of York Announces November Events


October 31, 2012   
       A variety of educational and entertaining programs are being offered at the Senior Center of York in November. Participation is open to seniors age 55 or better and their spouses, regardless of age. The Center is located in the Washington Square Shopping Center at 5314 George Washington Memorial Highway (Rte. 17), and is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Center is closed all County Holidays. Reservations are required for all sessions and are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. To register, stop by the Center or call 898-3807. For more information, please visit
             November Birthday Bash, Friday, November 9 at 1 p.m.  Come see the many faces of Eddie Sal, singer and entertainer, who always has a song, dance, joke, and a smile for you. Mr. Sal sings everything from the standard classics to country as well as rhythm and blues. Remember you do not have to be celebrating a birthday to join us. November and December birthdays will be recognized at this bash. Cake and beverage served. Please register for this program by November 8 by calling 898-3807.
           Culture Day, "Jamestown Voyage," Wednesday, November 14 at 1 p.m.
Live the world of Captain John Smith through storyteller and historian Joseph Filipowski. With maritime prose and poetry, Mr. Filipowski will offer insight into the pristine paradise that was Virginia which we would never have known without the courage and persistence of Captain Smith. Refreshments will be served. Please register by November 13 by calling 898-3807.   
            Senior Center's 21st Anniversary Open House, Friday, November 16 from 1 to 3 p.m.
 In honor of 21 years, this year we will recognize Center volunteers and patrons by holding a fair of our activities! So be sure to drop in and see all the programs and events the Center offers. There will be a brief program at 1 p.m. followed by demonstrations, displays, and exhibits. Refreshments will be served. Please RSVP by November 14. Call 898-3807 for more information.
      Scrapbooking & Greeting Cards, Monday, November 19 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon.    Join us as Cathy Fowler of Creative Memories shows how to make festive cards and assists you with your scrapbook. You can also enjoy using the Cricut which helps to design your cards. These cards and your personalized scrapbook create lasting memories and make wonderful gifts for your loved ones. Note: Please limit to four cards.        
          2012 Senior Center Art Exhibit at the Gallery at York Hall, November 19 through December 17. Senior Center crafters are invited to display their creations during this exhibit. If you are interested in showcasing your work, call the Center at 898-3807 or stop by the front desk for more details. Space is limited. The Gallery at York Hall is located on Main Street in Yorktown.
          Free November AARP Driver Safety Program for Senior Veterans, November 19 & November 20.  This program is designed for drivers age 50 or better, and will take place on Monday, November 19 from 12:30 to 4:45 p.m. and Tuesday, November 20 from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m.  This November session honors our military servicemen and servicewomen by offering this class free of charge to all senior veterans as well as any age 50 and over active duty personnel, their spouses, widows, children and parents. For all others, the cost for this two-day program is $12 for members of AARP and $14 for non-members.Fees should be paid by check and made out to AARP. Class registration may be made in person at the Senior Center, by phone, or by mail. Note: AARP membership, which cannot be processed the day of a class, is not required for class registration. There is no "behind the wheel" driving performed in this program. Drivers age 55 or better must attend both classes to receive the state mandated three-year automobile insurance reduction. Many insurance companies are giving insurance reductions to drivers age 50+ with the same attendance requirements. Those less than age 55 should check with their insurance company to see if they are entitled to the three-year insurance reduction. Class enrollment is limited to 25.
           Computer General Use. The computers are available for general use Monday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. unless the lab is reserved for programmed activities. To use the computers you must sign in at the Senior Center front desk. Please note computer classes will be in session on Tuesdays. Feel free to call us at 898-3807 for more information and on space availability for upcoming computer classes.
         Calling All Veterans! If you served in the military and would be willing to be a part of a panel discussion to share your experiences at one of our Culture Days, please drop by our front desk and complete a brief form.  Thank you!
          Inclement Weather Information…Be Sure to Call Before You Come! In the threat or event of inclement weather or hazardous road and sidewalk conditions, please call the Senior Center's main number at 898-3807 or its special hotline at 890-3516 for information on emergencies, closings and/or late openings at the Center.
Note: The Senior Center of York will be CLOSED on Nov. 12 in observance of Veterans Day and for the Thanksgiving Holidays on Nov. 22 and 23.
             Mark Your Calendar!
Breakfast, Tree-Trimming, and Singing with Seaford Elementary School, Tuesday,  
Dec. 4 from 9:30 to 11 a.m.
Senior Center of York Holiday Luncheon, Friday, Dec. 7 at 11 a.m. The fee is $3
            and registration will begin on Nov. 19. 

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Youth Basketball registration ends Friday, Nov. 2; Skate Rattle and Roll middle school session


Winter Youth Basketball registration ends Nov. 2
October 31, 2012
     Registration for York County's Winter Youth Basketball program ends Friday, November 2. Registrations will be accepted on weekdays from 8:15 a.m. until 5 p.m. at the Parks and Recreation office, located at 100 County Drive, just off Goodwin Neck Road in the Grafton area. As an after-hours convenience, registrations will also be taken at the Tabb Library on Thursday, November 1 from 4 to 7 p.m.
     The program is open to all York County residents in grades 2-12. The registration fee is $45 for the first child and $40 for any additional children per family. Registration flyers are available beginning the week of October 22 at all York County Public Schools, the York County Public Library's locations in Tabb and Yorktown, and the Parks and Recreation office. Youth Basketball registration forms can also be found on-line at
     To volunteer to coach or for more information, please call Parks and Recreation at 890-3500.
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October 31, 2012
     Middle school students in grades 6-8 are invited to attend the York County Parks and Recreation's "Skate, Rattle & Roll" program on Friday nights from 9 to 11 p.m. in the Dare Elementary School Gymnasium, 300 Dare Road. The elementary school/family skate session runs from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Beginning at 8:50 p.m., middle school students coming to the second session may be dropped off and begin lining up at the door with our staff. An adult must come enter the gymnasium when picking up participants when the session ends at 11 p.m. 
     Admission is $5.00 and includes regular skates. Students may rent Roller Blades for an additional $3.00. Concessions are also available for purchase. 
     The "Skate, Rattle & Roll" program is fully supervised by employees of York County Parks and Recreation. 
     For more information, call York County Parks and Recreation office at 890-3500.
# # #

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November Observer Newsletter

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Link to Observer Newsletter

Senior Center of York
(757) 898-3807

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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Robert, we need you in Yorktown on Election Day

Obama - Biden
Robert --

We hope everyone is safe and dry after the last couple of days. As things here in Virginia get back on track, we're busier than ever planning ahead for Election Day.

With just one week to go, people from Yorktown are coming together to volunteer and make November 6th a success.

So I've got a quick question for you:

Will you be coming?

Commit right now to volunteer on Election Day.

We'll be making calls and having conversations with voters to get them out to the polls. If everybody shows up to help get out the vote, I know we'll win this.

That's why it's urgent that we have as many volunteers out there as possible, and fill every shift. So we need to know if you're in.

Commit now, and let us know you'll be a part of this:



Sara El-Amine
Virginia Get Out the Vote Director
Organizing for America

Please consider supporting the Red Cross and their efforts to provide critical assistance for those affected by the storm.

Paid for by Obama for America

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We believe that emails are a vital way for the campaign to stay in direct contact
with supporters. Click here if you'd like to unsubscribe from these messages.
This campaign is a community, and all ideas are welcome.
We appreciate any feedback you might have -- positive or negative.
Click here to contact the campaign with any questions or concerns.

Robert, we need you in Yorktown on Election Day

Obama - Biden
Robert --

We hope everyone is safe and dry after the last couple of days. As things here in Virginia get back on track, we're busier than ever planning ahead for Election Day.

With just one week to go, people from Yorktown are coming together to volunteer and make November 6th a success.

So I've got a quick question for you:

Will you be coming?

Commit right now to volunteer on Election Day.

We'll be making calls and having conversations with voters to get them out to the polls. If everybody shows up to help get out the vote, I know we'll win this.

That's why it's urgent that we have as many volunteers out there as possible, and fill every shift. So we need to know if you're in.

Commit now, and let us know you'll be a part of this:



Sara El-Amine
Virginia Get Out the Vote Director
Organizing for America

Please consider supporting the Red Cross and their efforts to provide critical assistance for those affected by the storm.

Paid for by Obama for America

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If that is not your preferred email address, you can update your information here.

We believe that emails are a vital way for the campaign to stay in direct contact
with supporters. Click here if you'd like to unsubscribe from these messages.
This campaign is a community, and all ideas are welcome.
We appreciate any feedback you might have -- positive or negative.
Click here to contact the campaign with any questions or concerns.

If you can, we need you in Yorktown on Election Day

Obama - Biden
Friend --

We hope everyone is safe and dry after the last couple of days. As things here in Virginia get back on track, we're busier than ever planning ahead for Election Day.

With just one week to go, people from Yorktown are coming together to volunteer and make November 6th a success.

So I've got a quick question for you:

Will you be coming?

Commit right now to volunteer on Election Day.

We'll be making calls and having conversations with voters to get them out to the polls. If everybody shows up to help get out the vote, I know we'll win this.

That's why it's urgent that we have as many volunteers out there as possible, and fill every shift. So we need to know if you're in.

Commit now, and let us know you'll be a part of this:



Sara El-Amine
Virginia Get Out the Vote Director
Organizing for America

Please consider supporting the Red Cross and their efforts to provide critical assistance for those affected by the storm.

Paid for by Obama for America

This email was sent to:
If that is not your preferred email address, you can update your information here.

We believe that emails are a vital way for the campaign to stay in direct contact
with supporters. Click here if you'd like to unsubscribe from these messages.
This campaign is a community, and all ideas are welcome.
We appreciate any feedback you might have -- positive or negative.
Click here to contact the campaign with any questions or concerns.

Robert, we need you in Yorktown on Election Day

Obama - Biden
Robert --

We hope everyone is safe and dry after the last couple of days. As things here in Virginia get back on track, we're busier than ever planning ahead for Election Day.

With just one week to go, people from Yorktown are coming together to volunteer and make November 6th a success.

So I've got a quick question for you:

Will you be coming?

Commit right now to volunteer on Election Day.

We'll be making calls and having conversations with voters to get them out to the polls. If everybody shows up to help get out the vote, I know we'll win this.

That's why it's urgent that we have as many volunteers out there as possible, and fill every shift. So we need to know if you're in.

Commit now, and let us know you'll be a part of this:



Sara El-Amine
Virginia Get Out the Vote Director
Organizing for America

Please consider supporting the Red Cross and their efforts to provide critical assistance for those affected by the storm.

Paid for by Obama for America

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If that is not your preferred email address, you can update your information here.

We believe that emails are a vital way for the campaign to stay in direct contact
with supporters. Click here if you'd like to unsubscribe from these messages.
This campaign is a community, and all ideas are welcome.
We appreciate any feedback you might have -- positive or negative.
Click here to contact the campaign with any questions or concerns.