Sent: 10/17/2012 3:46:39 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Comments from GG to Daily Press on Oyster Farm
Amanda,For those of us that follow the inner-workings of the Yk Cty BoS, this is not a surprise.Here is their mindset:1. They (the BoS) can never make a mistake because they have been in charge of York County for over 12 years. Therefore the Judge must be wrong.2. Anyone that disagrees with the BoS, must be wrong & needs to be punished to show others that they must also conform to the will of the BoS.3. Obeying the BoS is more important than obeying the existing laws created by the BoS4. Property rights are not as important as the BoS's ability to control the activities of the citizens5. The expense of the appeal will only cost the taxpayers, not the BoS as individuals....while Greg Garrett & Anthony Bavuso must pay their own attorney's fees. So even if we (the BoS) lose, we win since Garrett & Bavuso get punished further.GGGreg Garrett
offices in Hpt Rds from Chesapeake to Williamsburg
Licensed in Virginia
cell # 757-879-1504
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